
Nalezeno "web form": 2749

Script & Style Show on iTunes!

Last year Todd Gardner of TrackJS and I debuted our YouTube web show (podcast): The Script & Style Show. It was an amazing first year of guests, including Chris Coyier, Kyle Simpson, Jason Laster, Max Lynch, Dylan Schiemann, and more! And the show will only get better! I’m happy...

Co už příští generace asi nepochopí: Marvel vytvořil web ve stylu 90. let

Pokud je vám třicet a více let, navštivte stránku Marvelu k chystanému snímku Captain Marvel. Studio jej totiž nechalo zpracovat v retro stylu, kde se to hemží ošklivými animovanými gify, bizarními kombinacemi barev a obecně příšerným designem, který připomíná rané roky World Wide Webu, na které si

Collective #491

capture-website * Hacker Tools * Vue 2.6 released * IVID * Vixel * Make it Boring * Qoa * Third Party Web Collective #491 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Come to An Event Apart in 2019

The 2019 season for An Event Apart (the premiere web and interaction design conference) is about to kick off! Seattle - March 4–6, 2019 Boston - May 6–8, 2019 Washington DC - July 29–31, 2019 Chicago - August 26–28, 2019 Denver - October 28–30, 2019 San Francisco - December 9–11...

Collective #490

Rendering on the Web * Textblock * 30 Seconds of Knowledge * Mixkit * FormVuelar * GitHub History Collective #490 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Bandwidth or Latency: When to Optimise for Which

Harry Roberts: A good rule of thumb to remember is that, for regular web browsing, improvements in latency would be more beneficial than improvements in bandwidth, and that improvements in bandwidth are noticed more when dealing with larger files. Direct Link to Article — Permalink…...

[aktualita] Grunex od Xzone kupuje videoherní web, plánuje investice

Dlouhá léta fungující videoherní web má nového majitele. Za nespecifikovanou částku ho od herního obchodu kupuje agentura Grunex, která se zaměřuje na marketingové a PR aktivity kolem hraní a e-sportů. Grunex chce začlenit do svého mediálního portfolia tak, aby mimo jiné...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #1

The first edition of a new series that aims to showcase inspirational website designs. Inspirational Websites Roundup #1 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Using Artificial Intelligence to Generate Alt Text on Images

Web developers and content editors alike often forget or ignore one of the most important parts of making a website accessible and SEO performant: image alt​ text. You know, that seemingly small image attribute that describes an image: ​​​<img src="/cute/sloth/image.jpg" alt="A brown baby sloth...

Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS

David Heinemeier Hansson has written an interesting post about the current state of web design and how designers ought to be able to still work on the code side of things: We build using server-side rendering, Turbolinks, and Stimulus. All tools that are approachable and realistic for designers...

Table design patterns on the web

Chen Hui Jing has tackled a ton of design patterns for tables that might come in handy when creating tables that are easy to read and responsive for the web: There are a myriad of table design patterns out there, and which approach you pick depends heavily on the type of data you have and...

Collective #486

What Parallax Lacks * Fullstack GraphQL bootcamp * Table Design Patterns On The Web * * Collective #486 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Using React and XState to Build a Sign In Form

To make a sign in form with good UX requires UI state management, meaning we’d like to minimize the cognitive load to complete it and reduce the number of required user actions while making an intuitive experience. Think about it: even a relatively simple email and password sign in form needs...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace