
Nalezeno "google": 3925

Collective #600

Fix an overloaded server * New use-cannon features * Ash's Smooth Scroll * Animockup Collective #600 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Performant Expandable Animations: Building Keyframes on the Fly

Animations have come a long way, continuously providing developers with better tools. CSS Animations, in particular, have defined the ground floor to solve the majority of uses cases. However, there are some animations that require a little bit more work. You probably know that animations should...

CSS-Only Marquee Effect

A simple CSS-only marquee effect for a menu based on Francesco Zagami's Dribbble shot. CSS-Only Marquee Effect was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Inspirational Websites Roundup #14

This roundup contains our personal selection of the most interesting websites that were released in the past couple of weeks. Inspirational Websites Roundup #14 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Aktualizace Chrome budou pokračovat. Google je začne vydávat od dubna

Před týdnem oznámil Google, že pozastaví aktualizace svého prohlížeče Chrome. Nyní na blogu zveřejnil, kdy vyjdou další verze.Překvapivě se tak stane už v začátkem dubna. Google záměr pokračovat ve vydávání aktualizací pro Chrome potvrdil na svém blogu, kde se i rozepsal, kdy můžeme očekávat

Creating an Editable Site with Google Sheets and Eleventy

Remember Tabletop.js? We just covered it a little bit ago in this same exact context: building editable websites. It’s a tool that turns a Google Sheet into an API, that you as a developer can hit for data when building a website. In that last article, we used that API on the client side, meaning...

UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #5

The new collection of recent UI works to keep your creative flow going. UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #5 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Collective #599

Embracing modern image formats * Emergency Website Kit * Pencil Effect in SVG * Vincent * IMAP API Collective #599 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

USD Surpasses the Search Volume of Bitcoin Again: Google Trends

The U.S. Dollar, being the strongest currency has been one of the most used parameters to evaluate other national currencies, assets and even cryptocurrencies. It is very much visible right now that global economies are under great threat owing to the ongoing pandemic Coronavirus. Amid that, Google...

Google vyvinul neuronovou síť, která mu pomáhá navrhovat procesory pro A.I.

Návrh nového křemíkového čipu není žádná legrace. Nejen že musíte vyvinout jeho softwarovou logiku – API, nebo použít některou z hotových a komerčně dostupných instrukčních sad (ARM, RISC-V aj.), ale tím nejdůležitějším krokem bude stejně návrh samotného fyzikálního obvodu pro křemíkový

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