Don’t just copy the @font-face out of Google Fonts URLs
I don't think this is an epidemic or anything, but I've seen it done a few times and even advocated for. This is what I mean...
You go to Google Fonts and pick a font like Open Sans, and it gives you either a <link> or an @import with a URL there in which to ready this font for usage...
Doplňky do Chromu už nedostanete jinak než z Web Storu
Prohlížeč Chrome doposud umožňoval vývojářům, kteří publikovali své rozšíření i skrze Web Store, vyvolat instalaci i z jakékoliv jiné stránky. To ale nově není možné a odkazy na instalaci uživatele vždy zavedou do webového obchodu.
V současnosti totiž často dochází ke zneužívání, kdy webové
Most Important Git Commands for Web Developers
Currently, Git is one of the most popular version control systems among developers. You can use it to track changes in your projects and coordinate the work of multiple...
The post Most Important Git Commands for Web Developers appeared first on Onextrapixel
Collective #424
Generative artistry * Gifdancer * Sonar * Polly.js * CSS Micro Reset * Gradient Joy * Making Web Components Work
Collective #424 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
The Easiest Way To Add Validation To Your Forms
In this tutorial we show you how to use the HTML input attributes for form validation
Pozor na špatné zabezpečení: Babišův web omylem vystavil e-maily fanoušků
Pozor na špatné zabezpečení: Babišův web omylem vystavil e-maily fanoušků
Web, který patří politickému hnutí ANO, měl špatně zabezpečené odhlašování. Kdokoli si mohl - byť velmi nepohodlně - prohlédnout e-mailové adresy desetitisíců lidí. Správce webu po upozornění chybu opravil.Další články k tématu:Jste on-line v bezpečí? Podívejte se na časté chyby... na nákupech. Vedle rádií koupil auto-moto web Garáž.cz
Portfolio společnosti se neustále rozrůstá, po získání 67% podílu v rádiích Expres FM a Classic Praha česká internetová jednička koupila auto-moto web Garáž.cz. Ve středu o tom na tiskové konferenci informoval místopředseda představenstva Pavel Zima
10 Amazing Web Demos And Experiments for June 2018
In this article we share with you a collection of some of the most exciting web demos for this June
Rusko utužuje blokaci internetu. Kdo zveřejní odkaz na zakázaný web, zaplatí tučnou pokutu
Ruskou sněmovnou (Státní duma) prošel nový zákon (TASS v ruštině), který zkomplikuje život tamním vyhledávačům. Ruské úřady totiž už roky hledají způsob, jak na internetu umlčet web/službu, která porušuje pravidla.
Zatím to však příliš nefunguje, ruští surfaři totiž podobné zákazy snadno
WDRL — Edition 231: Pupeteer 15, Safari 12, Tracking Protection, Card Modules, Web Performance Tips And A CORS Guide
it’s interesting how we can always think we know almost everything about something but then realize that we actually don’t know much. I had this feeling when reading through Heydon Pickering’s article about building a card with code: A lot of these things are clear but there are so many...
World wide wrist
After all the hubbub with WWDC over the past couple of days, Ethan Marcotte is excited about the news that the Apple Watch will be able to view web content.
He writes:
If I had to guess, I’d imagine some sort of “reader mode” is coming to the Watch: in other words, when you open a link on your...
Manipulating Pixels Using Canvas
Modern browsers support playing video via the <video> element. Most browsers also have access to webcams via the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() API. But even with those two things combined, we can’t really access and manipulate those pixels directly.
Fortunately, browsers have a Canvas...
The web can be anything we want it to be
I really enjoyed this chat between Bruce Lawson and Mustafa Kurtuldu where they talked about browser support and the health of the web. Bruce expands upon a lot of the thoughts in a post he wrote last year called World Wide Web, Not Wealthy Western Web where he writes:
...across the world...
Build Custom Pagination with React
Often times, we get involved in building web apps in which we are required to fetch large sets of data records from a remote server, API or some database sitting somewhere. If you are building a pa
Animate Images and Videos with curtains.js
While browsing the latest award-winning websites, you may notice a lot of fancy image distortion animations or neat 3D effects. Most of them are created with WebGL, an API allowing GPU-accelerated image processing effects and animations. They also tend to use libraries built on top of WebGL such...
Strategický webdesign #5: Analýza trhu a konkurence na maximum
V minulém článku jsme zkoumali základní pohled na analýzu trhu a konkurence. V tomto článku půjdeme více do hloubky a ukážeme si další nástroje, které můžete pro analýzu trhu i konkurence využívat. V konkurenčním boji o zákazníka dost často vyhrává ten, kdo má správné informace. I proto k oblíbeným...
Script & Style Show: Episode 11: Ionic Framework with Max Lynch
In this episode: David blames his wife for getting sick and missing last week’s show, Todd’s got a new Jeep, and David then blames his wife for not letting him have a Jeep. Oh, and Max Lynch of Ionic Framework fame stops by to talk about Ionic, Stencil, Web Components, the state...
WDRL — Edition 230: DNS over HTTPS, Web Push and Bitcoin’s Dark Energy Secret
the web’s evolving every single day and it’s amazing to follow and watch what happens. So when I heard first about Notifications in our web browsers by websites I was immediately concerned that a lot of websites will abuse this and ask for permission. Over time, a lot of people got annoyed...
Jeremy Keith talks about a couple of recent frustrating moments in his life. One regarding a musical instrument, one involving a build process:
That feeling of frustration I get from having wiring issues with a musical instrument is the same feeling I get whenever something goes awry with my...