
Nalezeno "Chrome": 451

Browse Decentralized Sites on Chrome With This Extension

Unstoppable Domains, a San Francisco-based company that's building blockchain domain names, has launched a Google Chrome web browser extension, saying it wants to bring censorship-resistant websites, based on the Ethereum network, to its users. Google Chrome is currently the most-used web browser...

In-Browser Performance Linting With Feature Policies

Here’s a neat idea from Tim Kadlec. He uses the Modheader extension to toggle custom headers in his browser. It also lets him see when images are too big and need to be optimized in some way. This is a great way to catch issues like this in a local environment because browsers will throw an error...

Chrome začne od dubna blokovat stahování z nezabezpečených stránek

Google se v rámci prohlížeče Chrome vydal na křížovou výpravu proti stránkám, které neběží skrze HTTPS. Nyní v cestě pokračuje – nové verze prohlížeče začnou od dubna blokovat nezabezpečená stahování souborů. Chystané blokování nepřijde plošně na všechny weby, ale jen na ty zabezpečené.

Browser Version Release Spectrum

Whenever a browser upgrades versions, it's a little marketing event, and rightly so. Looks like for Firefox it's about once a month, Chrome is ~6 weeks, and Safari is once a year. Chrome 80 just dropped, as they say, and we get a video and blog post. What strikes me about releases like this these...

Native Image Lazy Loading in Chrome Is Way Too Eager

Interesting research from Aaron Peters on <img loading="lazy" ... >: On my 13 inch macbook, with Dock positioned on the left, the viewport height in Chrome is 786 pixels so images with loading="lazy" that are more than 4x the viewport down the page are eagerly fetched by Chrome...

Freezing User-Agent Strings

There's been news about Chrome freezing their User-Agent string (and all other major browsers are on board). That means they'll still have a User-Agent (UA) string (that comes across in headers and is available in JavaScript as navigator.userAgent. By freezing it, it will be less useful over time...

What does “revert” do in CSS?

Miriam Suzanne has a Mozilla Developer video on the subject. The revert value is fairly new, supported in Firefox and Safari, but not yet in Chrome-world. We've already got a couple of related keywords that work on any property which are meant to help control inheritance and reset values....


So Microsoft launches a Node-based browser automation project called Playwright. It allows you to spin up a headless version of a browser and control it. Go here! Click something! Take a screenshot! That kind of stuff. Particularly useful for testing. It's just like Google's Puppeteer, only...

Google zabije aplikace v Chrome. Doplňky v prohlížeči ale zůstanou

Aplikace pro Chrome odstartovaly v roce 2013, kdy Google chtěl vytvořit vlastní ekosystém okolo prohlížeče. To se ale příliš nepodařilo a i když se našlo několik kvalitních aplikací, ve velkém se neuchytily. Firma tak pro ně postupně ukončí podporu. Potřebu samotných aplikací v Chromu totiž v

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