
Nalezeno "DAN": 279

Print-Inspired Layout on the Web

I always love seeing people get inspired by print design and trying to port it over to the web. There is a much deeper history of interesting print work to draw from, and still a ton of modern work happening that eclipses most digital design work today. The web is fully capable of bold, interesting...

Cred to Demo Global Merchant Solution at Blockchain Week Kick-Off

On Wednesday, October 30, Cred and the Universal Protocol Alliance will be hosting a live demonstration of a point-of-sale (PoS) device that enables purchases with cryptocurrency. Cred’s PoS financial operating system allows customers to utilize any crypto wallet for purchases at the PoS...

Awards That Look Beyond the Flashy

Dan Mall is judging the Communication Arts Interactive 2020 awards. These types of things are usually a celebration of flashy, short-lived, one-off designs. Those things are awesome, but Dan has more in mind: I’d love to award work that demonstrates creative use of the highest level of color...

Kraken is Working on ‘Major Change’ in User Experience - Dan Held

Dan Held. Source: a video screenshot, Youtube / Dan Held Improving user experience is one of the main focus areas at Kraken this year and the popular, U.S.-headquartered cryptocurrency exchange plans “major change” in the next 2-6 months, Dan Held, Director of Business Development of the company...

California City Official Uses Bitcoin Cash to Purchase Cannabis

In California, cryptocurrency payments are making headway in the cannabis industry as Berkeley City Councilmember Ben Bartlett became the first elected official to purchase cannabis using a digital asset. On Tuesday, Bartlett utilized bitcoin cash (BCH) and Cred’s LBA token to facilitate...

PR: Cred and Join Forces to Boost Crypto Lending

By John Yearwood Cred Correspondent Amid a dramatic Bitcoin bull run, two of the most influential names in the blockchain finance industry have launched a platform to expand global lending and earning on investments in cryptocurrency. The partnership between and Cred allows

Vláda připravuje bič na Google a Facebook. Chce pro ně sektorovou daň

Vládni strany hledají způsob, jak zdanit některé služby sektorovou daní. V posledních dnech a týdnech se tedy otevřeně mluvilo i spekulovalo o zdanění bank, mobilních operátorů a nakonec i velkých internetových firem – především Facebooku a Googlu. Na zavedení daně se nyní dohodla vládní koalice

Francouzský parlament schválil digitální daň

Francouzské Národní shromáždění v pondělí večer schválilo velkou většinou hlasů zavedení digitální daně na národní úrovni. Tříprocentní daní zatíží příjmy velkých mezinárodních internetových firem. Výnos z ní by měl pomoci financovat nouzová ekonomická a sociální opatření avizovaná vládou...

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