Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong: China Will Benefit From Restrictive US Crypto Policies
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has stated China will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of how the U.S. is approaching cryptocurrency regulation. According to Armstrong, the current regulatory system drives cryptocurrency innovation offshore, while other countries like China embrace these...
BRICS Nations to Encourage Use of Local Currencies in Trade
Countries in the BRICS bloc intend to encourage the use of local currencies in cross-border trade, their foreign ministers revealed. The top diplomats, who met in South Africa, also emphasized the importance of financial inclusion, welcoming new technologies that support it. BRICS to Stimulate...
Study: Africa Likely to Leapfrog Leading Fintech Regions if It Adopts New Technologies
Africa will likely leapfrog the top fintech regions if startups on the continent adopt new technologies, the Global Fintech 2023 report by the Boston Consulting Group and QED Investors has said. The report points to the African continent’s young population as well as the projected population...
Plus: Outlast Trials, Starship Troopers FPS go out big on Steam!
As we predicted last week - just sayin'. Also: lots more charts
Wealth Technologies: The future of wealth management
Over the past two days, the 3rd and 4th of May, the 3rd Annual Middle East WealthTech Forum & Awards was concluded, leaving behind the resonance of the copious knowledge and insight shared during the course of its duration. “Technology will create new paths in investment decisions and asset...
STAR Unveils Opportunity for Japanese SMEs to Gain International Prestige
PRESS RELEASE. Tokyo, Japan, May 9th 2023, Chainwire. The STAR project is a new initiative to help Japanese SMEs gain international recognition and prestige. The project seeks to uncover the valuable products, technologies, and know-how of small-to-medium-sized businesses. With an advanced...
5 common interview questions for Web3 jobs
The interview process for Web3 positions will typically involve questions aimed at assessing a candidate’s knowledge of decentralized technologies, blockchain and smart contracts
Elon Musk: „Explozi prototypu Starship jsem očekával.“
Elon Musk na svém Twitteru uvedl, že testovací let prototypu Starship zvaného SN24 skončil zhruba tak, jak očekával. Upozornil na to The Washington Post.
K explozi prototypu se v mezičase vyjádřil již i administrátor NASA Bill Nelson. Ten předminulý týden v Kongresu vypověděl, že dotyčný incident
Blockstream Infrastructure Firm Foresees Rapid Growth in Bitcoin's Layer 2 Technologies
An engineer at the Bitcoin-focused development firm Blockstream has said she sees a “Cambrian explosion” coming for the development of layer 2 technologies on the Bitcoin network....
Read More: Blockstream Infrastructure Firm Foresees Rapid Growth in Bitcoin's Layer 2 Technologies
Starship Troopers: Extermination míří do předběžného přístupu
Prototyp Starship během startu způsobil „písečnou bouři“
Prototyp kosmické lodi Starship zvaný SN24 během startu vytvořil něco, co Elon Musk během víkendové diskuse na Twitteru označil za „v podstatě písečnou bouři způsobenou lidmi“.
CEO Spacex rovněž připustil, že se rozhodně nejednalo o záměr. „Už to nechceme opakovat,“ dodal.
Před příštím startem
Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner
Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date — which proponents view as...
The technological advancements and innovations that make Sparklo a smarter choice than Cardano
The race to provide the most advanced and innovative solutions is fierce in the crypto world. Sparklo (SPRK) and Cardano (ADA) are two projects that have captured the attention of many investors and traders. However, a closer examination reveals that Sparklo offers a unique combination...
Padající trosky prototypu Starship poškodily minivan zaparkovaný poblíž odpalovací rampy
Trosky prototypu kosmické lodě Starship, který explodoval během pokusu o dosažení orbity, poškodily minivan zaparkovaný nebezpečně blízko odpalovací rampy.
Krátce po zveřejnění videa, které dotyčný incident zachycuje, vyšlo najevo, kdo je majitelem dotyčného vozidla – nikdo jiný, než Chris Bergin
How DeFi platforms leverage Blockchain technologies to achieve enhanced security & liquidity?
The Blockchain industry boasts several niches where projects and businesses develop solutions for various use cases. One of these niches is decentralized finance (DeFi), which has emerged as an alternative to traditional financial services. What is Decentralized Finance (DeFi)? Decentralized...
SEC wins $2.8M in suit over alleged crypto token price manipulation
Hydrogen Technology Corp. and its former CEO will pay $2.8 million in fines and remedies for allegedly operating a price manipulation scheme
Introducing Worker or Sheikh: A Revolutionary Play-to-Earn Game Powered by Cutting-Edge AI Technologies
PRESS RELEASE. The team behind Worker or Sheikh is excited to announce the launch of their groundbreaking Play-to-Earn game, designed to provide players with an immersive and sustainable gaming experience. With its unique economic model, easy-to-learn gameplay, and AI-driven optimization, Worker...
Raketový systém budoucnosti: První let kosmické lodi Starship skončil explozí
Obří systém Starship od společnosti SpaceX absolvoval svůj první let. Raketa Super Heavy i s druhým stupněm Starship explodovala čtyři minuty po startu
„Hodně jsme se toho naučili pro příští testovací start,“ uvedl Elon Musk o explozi prototypu Starship
Při prvním pokusu o dosažení orbity (resp. „marginální orbity“) sice prototyp Starship explodoval, nicméně došlo k tomu až po cca 4 minutách letu – a SpaceX je s tímto výsledkem nadmíru spokojená.
„Hodně jsme se toho naučili pro příští testovací start, který proběhne za několik měsíců,“
Crypto firms alleged to have faked execs using AI and actors: Cali regulator
The regulator is cracking down on high-yield investment products saying the programs raise hype with the promise of high returns before going dark