
Nalezeno "Vision": 292

What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 86)

It wasn’t that long ago that Umar Hansa published a look at the most interesting new features in Chrome DevTools released in 2020. In fact, it was just earlier this month! But in that short amount of time, Chrome has a few new tricks up its sleeve. One of the features Umar covered was...

Expanding the Future (of Dev Tooling) with AI

Codota wants their tools to (at least!) double developer productivity. My vision is that we can do that not only by getting more developers using these tools, but in expanding where and how these tools learn themselves. The better the tools can *learn from us* what we're doing, the better *we...

Trump vs. Twitter Fight Reignites Social Media Decentralization Vision

Donald Trump met Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in April, 2019. \"Lots of subjects discussed regarding their platform, and the world of social media in general. Look forward to keeping an open dialogue!\" Trump tweeted back then. Source: Twitter/@realDonaldTrump Blockchain has been hailed as the silver...

Real Vision CEO on Impact of Coronavirus and Money Printing on Global Economy

In an interesting conversation regarding the impact of Coronavirus and printing of the money by the Federal Reserve on the global economy, the chief executive officer of the Real Vision, Raoul Pal, touched upon a number of aspects including Gold, Bitcoin, Tokenization, and financial freedom among...

Mojo Vision vyrobila první opravdu funkční kontaktní čočky s AR na světě

Jakou hustotu pixelů má váš telefon? Všechny do jednoho nabízejí řádově stovky ppi – pixelů na palec. Americký startup Mojo Vision se však specializuje na úplně jinou ligu. Loni v létě se pochlubil mikrodisplejem s úhlopříčkou 0,48 mm a pixely o velikosti pouhých 1,3 µm. Namísto technologie LCD

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