
Nalezeno "document": 271

Anchor a Document or File to the BCH Chain With

In my last article, I explained how to prove ownership of a specific address by signing a message with a public and private key pair. That’s just one way of proving ownership and verifying a valid signature, as BCH users can also anchor a document to the chain using the Bitcoin Cash...

Getting To Know The MutationObserver API

MutationObserver watches the DOM, specifically the places you tell it to, like: document.querySelector('#watch-this'); ...and it can tell you (trigger a callback) when stuff happens — like when a child is added, removed, changed, or a number of other things. I used it just the other day...

Could Grouping HTML Classes Make Them More Readable?

You can have multiple classes on an HTML element: <div class="module p-2"></div> Nothing incorrect or invalid there at all. It has two classes. In CSS, both of these will apply: .module { } .p-2 { } const div...

Tabs: It’s Complicated™

I've said before one quick and powerful thing you can learn as a front-end developer just getting starting with JavaScript is changing classes. const button = document.querySelector(".my-button"); const element = document.querySelector(".content"); button.addEventListener("click", function()...

Undefined: The Third Boolean Value

I wanted to implement a notification message in one of my projects, similar to what you’d see in Google Docs while a document is saving. In other words, a message shows up indicating that the document is saving every time a change is made. Then, once the changes are saved, the message becomes: “All...

Understanding Event Emitters

Consider, a DOM Event: const button = document.querySelector("button"); button.addEventListener("click", (event) => /* do something with the event */) We added a listener to a button click. We’ve subscribed to an event being emitted and we fire a callback when it does. Every time we click that...

Creating a Custom Element from Scratch

In the last article, we got our hands dirty with Web Components by creating an HTML template that is in the document but not rendered until we need it. Next up, we’re going to continue our quest to create a custom element version of the dialog component below which currently only uses...

Smooth Scrolling for Screencasts

Let's say you wanted to scroll a web page from top to bottom programmatically. For example, you're recording a screencast and want a nice full-page scroll. You probably can't scroll it yourself because it'll be all uneven and jerky. Native JavaScript can do smooth scrolling. Here's a tiny snippet...

Styling Based on Scroll Position

Rik Schennink documents a system for being able to write CSS selectors that style a page when it has scrolled to a certain point. If you're like me, you're already on the lookout for document.addEventListener('scroll' ... and being terrified about performance. Rik gets to that right away by both...

Toggling Animations On and Off

A nicely detailed tutorial by Kirupa that gets into how you might provide a UI with persisted options that control whether animations run or not. The trick is custom properties that control the movement: body { --toggle: 0; --playState: "paused"; } Which are used within animations...

An Introduction and Guide to the CSS Object Model (CSSOM)

If you've been writing JavaScript for some time now, it's almost certain you've written some scripts dealing with the Document Object Model (DOM). DOM scripting takes advantage of the fact that a web page opens up a set of APIs (or interfaces) so you can manipulate and otherwise deal with elements...

Nesting Components in Figma

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been building our UI Kit at Gusto, where I work, and this is a Figma document that contains all of our design patterns and components so that designers on our team can hop in, go shopping for a component that they need, and then get back to working on the problem...

View Source

I remember seeing this Tom Dale tweet a while back. It's literally about the browser's ability to look at the HTML of the document you're looking at as it first arrived. Now the tweet is stirring up a new round of conversation. Jonathan Snook has kind of a baby bear take: We have the ability...

How to create a logo that responds to its own aspect ratio

One of the cool things about <svg> is that it's literally its own document, so @media queries in CSS inside the SVG are based on its viewport rather than the HTML document that likely contains it. This unique feature has let people play around for years. Tim Kadlec experimented with...

Easy Document Signing with the Eversign Chrome Extension

A while back I wrote about Eversign, an awesome service that allows you and your clients or partners to digitally sign documents online.  If you’ve recently bought a house or did any other large purchases or agreements, you know how important the ability to reliably sign documents online is. ...

Advanced Document Conversions with Filestack

You might know Filestack from being an incredible service to add file uploading, storage, and management to your own web apps. There is another thing Filestack can do for you: convert documents into different formats. For one thing, it can manipulate documents. Take images. Perhaps you would...

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