
Nalezeno "dr phil": 251

Report: Stadia Blew Millions On Red Dead Redemption 2 And Other Ports

Just how badly did Google’s Stadia video game streaming service flop when it launched back in 2019? According to a new report by Bloomberg, it underperformed its sales target by hundreds of thousands of users, despite spending “tens of millions of dollars” secure ports of big blockbuster games.Read...

Google Stadia Shuts Down Internal Studios, Changing Business Focus

Google Stadia, the late 2019 streaming platform that promised to revolutionize gaming by letting users stream games without needing to own a powerful PC or console, is altering course, getting out of the game-making business and will now offer its platform directly to game publishers alongside...

Eleventy Love

Been seeing a lot of Eleventy action lately. It's a smaller player in the world of static site generators, but I think it's got huge potential because of how simple it is, yet does about anything you'd need it to do. It's Just JavaScript™. Jason Lengstorf and Zach Leatherman did a Learn...

Why do we use .html instead of .htm?

Interesting question from Andy: Serious question. Why do we use .html instead of .htm? / @adactio @css — Andy Clarke (@Malarkey) December 12, 2019 The most likely answer from the thread: DOS was a massive operating system for PCs for a long time and it had a three-character limit on file...

An Explanation of How the Intersection Observer Watches

There have been several excellent articles exploring how to use this API, including choices from authors such as Phil Hawksworth, Preethi, and Mateusz Rybczonek, just to name a few. But I’m aiming to do something a bit different here. I had an opportunity earlier in the year to present the VueJS...

Bitcoin’s Big Price Drop Is the Latest in a Long History of Flash Crashes

On Wednesday, June 26, the price of BTC came close to reaching $14K. One hour later, it had dropped by close to 18%. Such events are known as a flash crash, a moment in time where a rapid-sell off happens and often times a few exchanges become inoperable. Over the last few years, especially when...

Recent Videos!

I've recorded a decent number of videos lately, most of which are pairing with someone and digging into a topic as I glean as much information as I can! Several of these are sponsored, in that they are a part of an advertising package. Hopefully, you know me well enough that I don't work with...

Phil Plait: Jak ochránit Zemi před asteroidyPhil Plait: Jak ochránit Zemi před asteroidy

Co má průměr 6 mil [9,6 km] a dokáže v jediném okamžiku přivodit konec celé civilizace? Asteroid - a těch je ve vesmíru hodně. Phil Plait humornou formou a za pomoci úžasných vizuálních pomůcek poutavě líčí obecenstvu na TEDxBoulder nejrůznější možné způsoby, jakými asteroidy mohou zabíjet, a...

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