Another inside job at Shapeshift cost the company nearly $1 million
An employee allegedly used his credentials at Shapeshift to steal from the company
ShapeShift Accuses Former Employee of Stealing $900K in Bitcoin
The exchange wants $5,000 in damages from Azamat Mukhiddinov, its now-fired senior engineer
Inside Ethereum’s Testnet Headwinds & Growth in Tokenized Bitcoin : A Data Perspective by IntoTheBlock
Powered by Every week, IntoTheBlock brings you an on-chain analysis of top news stories in the crypto space. Leveraging blockchain’sContinue Reading
The post Inside Ethereum’s Testnet Headwinds & Growth in Tokenized Bitcoin : A Data Perspective by IntoTheBlock appeared first on CoinMarketCap...
Istanbul or ‘Coinstantinople’? Inside Turkey’s Bitcoin Bull Market
The relationship between economic crisis and crypto exchange activity in Turkey appears to have changed, with bitcoin coming out on the winning end
LocalCryptos Integrates Inbuilt Crypto-To-Crypto Exchanges, Powered by ChangeNOW
ChangeNOW is happy to announce the integration with LocalCryptos – the world’s most popular non-custodial peer-to-peer crypto marketplace! From now on, LocalCryptos users can swap cryptocurrencies right inside its built-in non-custodial crypto wallet. To perform the desired trade in...
Blockchain Bites: Inside Cosmos, Bitcoin at $200B, DeFi Surges
Traders are expecting bitcoin to go higher. DeFi is surging in web traffic. And Cosmos is alive and well, despite internal feuding
Inside the Flash Crash & DeFi’s Most Recent All-Time High
Powered by Every week, IntoTheBlock brings you an on-chain analysis of top news stories in the crypto space. Leveraging blockchain’sContinue Reading
The post Inside the Flash Crash & DeFi’s Most Recent All-Time High appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog
Inside the Flash Crash & DeFi’s Most Recent All-Time High
Powered by Every week, IntoTheBlock brings you an on-chain analysis of top news stories in the crypto space. Leveraging blockchain’sContinue Reading
The post Inside the Flash Crash & DeFi’s Most Recent All-Time High appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog
Inside a Crypto ‘Ponzi’: How the $6.5M Banana.Fund Fraud Unravelled
U.S. authorities are trying to return $6.5 million in bitcoin and tether to the victims of an alleged Ponzi scheme
Pausing a GIF with details/summary
Steve Faulkner has a clever idea here. You can show an (animated) GIF and overlay a pause/play button on top of it — which is really a <details>/<summary> element. When toggled, a (non-animated) JPG inside covers the GIF, effectively “pausing” it.
Adrian Roselli calls...
Power Struggle Inside Bitmain ‘Hard Forks’ Bitcoin Miner Production
The ongoing battle between the two co-founders at Bitmain has essentially hard forked the production at the world’s largest bitcoin miner manufacturer
The Cashaa Hack: Investigators Stay Silent as Inside Job Rumors Emerge
As 336 BTC get stolen from crypto-friendly bank Cashaa, there is still no clear explanation for what happened
Inside the Craze for Filecoin Crypto Mining in China
As Filecoin inches closer to a blockchain mainnet launch, investors in China are again speculating heavily on the network’s mining hardware and token prices
Sale of the Century: The Inside Story of Ethereum’s 2014 Premine
"Now anyone could be an investor in one of the most cutting-edge technology companies out there. All they needed was an internet connection and at least 0.01 bitcoin."
Fluid Images in a Variable Proportion Layout
Creating fluid images when they stand alone in a layout is easy enough nowadays. However, with more sophisticated interfaces we often have to place images inside responsive elements, like this card:
For now, let’s say this image is not semantic content, but only decoration. That’s...
Styling Layout Wrappers In CSS
Two things that strike me often about the web are how many ways there are to go about the same thing and how many considerations go into even the most seemingly simple things.
Working with wrapper elements is definitely on both those lists. Wrappers (or containers or whatever) are so common...
The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS
This was always my favorite thing in Mad magazine. One page (the inside of the back cover, I think) was covered in a zany illustration. You folded that page in thirds, covering up the middle-third of that image, and a new image would form because the illustration was designed to perfectly line...
Striking a Balance Between Native and Custom Select Elements
Here’s the plan! We’re going to build a styled select element. Not just the outside, but the inside too. Total styling control. Plus we’re going to make it accessible. We’re not going to try to replicate everything that the browser does by default with a native <select> element. We’re going...
Learn Z-Index Using a Visualization Tool
There are some neat interactive demos in here from Thiru Manikandan. There are a couple of very tricky things with z-index that never fail to confuse. In addition to things like requiring positioning and source order, the trickiest are the stacking contexts and parent/child relationships. z-index...
CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers
Šime Vidas with the lowdown on what these pseudo-selectors are and why they will be useful:
:is() is to reduce repetition¹ of parts of comma-separated selectors.
:where() is the same, but nothing inside it affects specificity. The example of wrapping :where(:not()) is really great, as now there...