Is Defi Coming to Bitcoin Cash? An Overview of Detoken and the Anyhedge Protocol
Maybe you’ve heard of Anyhedge. Last April, published an article about its announcement, but what is it really? What does it do, and how’s it work? The Anyhedge Protocol Anyhedge is an open-source protocol. It is simply a way to use the blockchain (in this case,...
Continuous Performance Analysis with Lighthouse CI and GitHub Actions
Lighthouse is a free and open-source tool for assessing your website’s performance, accessibility, progressive web app metrics, SEO, and more. The easiest way to use it is through the Chrome DevTools panel. Once you open the DevTools, you will see a “Lighthouse” tab. Clicking the “Generate report”...
Two Rubygems Infected With Crypto-Stealing Feature Malware Spotted by Researchers
New infected Rubygems packages have been spotted in its open-source software repository and which contained malicious code mainly used to steal cryptocurrencies from users via supply chain attack. Two Cryptocurrency-Stealers Rubygems Detected by Researchers at Sonatype According to Ax Sharma,...
Free TON Community’s Meritocratic Token Distribution Model to Revolutionize Tokenomics
Free TON is a community driven PoS network with a focus on decentralized governance. It is based on the open-source TON project which was previously developed by Telegram. Free TON never had an ICO and will never have a token sale. Instead the project implements a distribution model that will...
Free TON, From an Abandoned Project to the Frontier of PoS Networks
The Durov brothers fought a long and exhaustive battle with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over the Telegram Open Network (TON)’s acceptance in the United States, which ended with an official announcement that the further development of the project was abandoned....
Kraken Exchange to Offer First Grants for Open-Source Ethereum Projects
Kraken is for the first time funding open-source Ethereum projects
AMD uvolní konkurenci technologie DLSS v podobě „Super Resolution“ jako open source
Při testování nových desktopových grafických karet řady Radeon RX 6000 od AMD vyšlo najevo, že karty mají sice konkurenceschopný hrubý výkon, kvůli absenci chytrého vyhlazování jako má Nvidia (DLSS) však nemají šanci při náročném použití ray tracingu při vysokých rozlišeních.
AMD již dříve
Bitcoin Developer John Newbery Launches Open-Source Dev Fund Supported By HRF, Square
Veteran Bitcoin developer John Newbery just launched a new, independent organization for funding Bitcoin's open source developer community
Square, Human Rights Foundation Back New Bitcoin Open-Source Developer Fund
Veteran Bitcoin developer John Newbery just launched a new, independent organization for funding Bitcoin's open source developer community
[aktualita] Praha 3 na darové počítače pro děti bude instalovat Linux a open source
Radnice Prahy 3 pokračuje ve svém pozitivním přístupu k open source a Linuxu. Vedení slíbilo vydávat veškerý svůj interní software jako otevřený a s prvním už tak učinilo. Nyní bylo rozhodnuto, že se na počítače, které lidé v rámci sbírky darují dětem, bude instalovat Linux a další open source...
Stablecoin Savings: Circle Launches High Yield USDC Accounts for Businesses
Two years ago the cryptocurrency firm Circle announced the launch of USDC, a stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar. This week, Circle revealed the launch of high yield digital dollar business accounts with APY up to 10.75%. On September 26, 2018, Circle and the Centre open-source consortium launched...
[aktualita] Praha zveřejní covidovou aplikaci V Praze jako doma jako open source
Praha zveřejní zdrojový kód aplikace V Praze jako doma jako open source. Stát se tak má v “blízké budoucnosti”. Nyní zdroják nabízí zdarma všem zástupcům tuzemských měst a obcí, které o něj projeví zájem. Ti na tomto základě mohou postavit vlastní projekty na podporu ohrožených segmentů tuzemské...
As a connoisseur of web trickery, this is a must share:
POW stands for Packaged Offline/online Webpage. It turns out the png format includes ways to save metadata alongside the image file. A powfile has a metadata entry that contains a zip file that contains a full website.
So a PNG file...
For These Blockchain Commons Interns, Their Open Source Careers Are Just Beginning
The Blockchain Commons took on 7 interns this year to build out the organization’s many open-source projects
The Raw, Savage Capitalism of Open-Source Protocols
Recapping the biggest stories of the week, including Joe Biden’s China plan, a market holding pattern and, of course, the strange competitive saga of SUSHI
Aave Protocol Outpaces Maker With $1.4B Locked, Defi Project Granted UK Electronic Money License
The decentralized finance (defi) open-source protocol built on Ethereum, Aave, has surpassed the Maker Dao project in terms of total-value-locked (TVL) this week. The lending and borrowing platform Aave has $1.43 billion locked on Tuesday climbing 7.7% in the last 24-hours. On August 25, the defi...
[aktualita] České Glami vydává open source nástroj pro práci se strojovým účením
Také v Česku se pomalu místy začíná objevovat poměrně běžná praxe velkých světových technologických firem spočívající v uvolňování interně vyvinutých nástrojů jako open source. Módní e-commerce vyhledávač Glami spadající pod Miton vydal balíček nazvaný Cortex Serving Client, který je k dispozici...
Open Source DeFi Data Platfrom DIA Raises $15M Through Token Sale
Marketed as an open-source data aggregator for DeFi markets, DIA announced on Friday that the $15 million were raised through selling the firm’s governance token
Open-Source DeFi Data Platform DIA Raises $15M Through Token Sale
Marketed as an open-source data aggregator for DeFi markets, DIA announced on Friday that the $15 million were raised through selling the firm’s governance token
What I Learned by Fixing One Line of CSS in an Open Source Project
I was browsing the Svelte docs on my iPhone and came across a blaring UI bug. The notch in the in the REPL knob was totally out of whack. I’m always looking to contribute to open source, and I thought this would be a quick and easy fix. Turns out, there was a lot more to it than just changing...