
Nalezeno "ai use": 3110

“Headless Mode”

A couple of months ago, we invited Marc Anton Dahmen to show off his database-less content management system (CMS) Automad. His post is an interesting inside look at templating engines, including how they work, how CMSs use them, and how they impact the way we write things, such as loops. Well...

Skrill Now Lets You Swap BTC for BCH

Online payments service Skrill has introduced a new feature allowing users to directly exchange cryptocurrencies. The crypto-to-crypto option gives you the opportunity to use bitcoin core (BTC) stored in your wallet to buy and sell eight other supported cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin cash...

The Jim Bell System

As I write this article on July 3, 2002, I am already hearing out my window the occasional pops of micro-explosives enthusiasts getting a head start on their annual excuse to play with things that go bang and supposedly celebrate their freedom. Tomorrow, libertarians across the country will use...

Crypto Community Erupts Over Ethereum Foundation Member’s Arrest

On Friday the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) announced the arrest of Ethereum Foundation member Virgil Griffith for allegedly “assisting North Korea in evading sanctions” by teaching “his audience how to use blockchain...

Testing React Hooks With Enzyme and React Testing Library

As you begin to make use of React hooks in your applications, you’ll want to be certain the code you write is nothing short of solid. There’s nothing like shipping buggy code. One way to be certain your code is bug-free is to write tests. And testing React hooks is not much different from how React...

Photonics Bitcoin Mining Tech Aims to ‘Democratize’ Energy Use

Three researchers have published a paper at Cornell University’s proposing a system called Optical Proof of Work (OPOW) to potentially be employed in Bitcoin mining. According to the paper, “heavy reliance on electricity has created scalability issues, environmental concerns...

Web Scraping Made Simple With Zenscrape

Web scraping has always been taken care of by actual developers, since a lot of coding, proxy management and CAPTCHA-solving is involved. However, the scraped data is very often needed by people that are non-coders: Marketers, Analysts, Business Developers etc. Zenscrape is an easy-to-use...

Collective #569

AppLibsList * How to Overlap Images in CSS * Peekobot * Flowy * Who Can Use * Accessibility drives aesthetics Collective #569 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Kenya Finds a New Way to Use Blockchain, Launches 'Local Currencies'

Blockchain-backed “local currencies” have been introduced to some of Kenya’s poor communities as a solution to the lack of hard cash. And, who knows, this may be an incentive for these people to eventually adopt real cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC). Reuters has reported on this interesting...

The Power (and Fun) of Scope with CSS Custom Properties

You’re probably already at least a little familiar with CSS variables. If not, here’s a two-second overview: they are really called custom properties, you set them in declaration blocks like --size: 1em and use them as values like font-size: var(--size);, they differ from preprocessor variables...

iOS 13 Broke the Classic Pure CSS Parallax Technique

I know. You hate parallax. You know what we should hate more? When things that used to work on the web stop working without any clear warning or idea why. Way back in 2014, Keith Clark blogged an exceptionally clever CSS trick where you essentially use a CSS transform to scale an element down...

Default Bitcoin Addresses Are Now Longer But Simpler & Cheaper to Use

The Bitcoin Core client version, the last expected version before the anticipated Bitcoin mining reward halving in May 2020, was released this past weekend by the Bitcoin Core developers. Although it contains no major changes, it does come with several interesting speed and security...

Thailand Will Use Blockchain Technology to Monitor Agro Products

Thailand’s Trade Policy and Strategy and Office (TPOS) has announced that a blockchain technology-based project is in the pipeline for monitoring export quality agricultural products. In her official statement, TPOS Director-General Pimchanok Vonkorpon commented, We have already talked to farmers...

Image Lazy Loading

Lazy loading images is a practice that’s been popular for a decade and for good reason: images are usually the heaviest downloads on a given webpage and avoiding unloading images that are never seen saves the user bandwidth. There are plugins for lazy loading images in every JavaScript...

Smarter Design Systems Tools

What has me really excited about building websites is largely around design systems and the design tools we use to build them. Though, design systems are certainly not limited to websites. Closing the Gap In the ever-so-hot-right-now world of design systems, one of the most common phrases people...

How Sports Betting Companies Use Event Marketing to Look For New Customers

The world of online betting is a truly fascinating one. If you take a close look at the innovative designs and brilliant themes on those websites, you’d come to understand why the industry has quickly gained popularity and has easily trumped physical sportsbooks. It has provided a different...

New Cypherpunk Podcast Debuts Discussing Cryptoanarchy

The Cypherpunk Bitstream podcast hosted by cryptoanarchists @thefrankbraun and @TheRealSmuggler has just released its second episode. The show compassionately reaches out to those listeners tired of the coercive “statist-quo” and explores how anyone can use cryptographic technology...

What the web still is

Being a pessimist is an easy thing to fall back on, and I’m trying to be better about it. As we close the year out, I thought it would be a good exercise to take stock of the state of the web and count our blessings. Versatile We don't use the internet to do just one thing. With more than...

Crypto Swapping App Sideshift AI Drops Access Code Requirement

Since launching in January, has become a well known cryptocurrency application that allows people to swap 20+ cryptocurrencies in an automated manner. When Sideshift first launched, users needed an access code to use the service, but on November 20 the team removed access codes and...

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