Hedera’s Token Price Spikes Prematurely After Google Cloud Joins the Network’s Governing Council
The cloud services arm of the Silicon Valley tech giant becomes the 11th member to join the council, but has no plans to further endorse the network
Google Partnership with Hedera Hashgraph Can Generate $1.9B by 2024
Google joins Hedera Hashgraph’s governance council, demonstrating the potential for enterprise growth and drawing comparisons with Libra
Bitcoin Tweets Reach 2-Year High as $10K Fuels Google Interest Surge
Google search activity is fast heating up around Bitcoin as it circles $10,000
Can Blockchain Survive Mass Adoption? Future Perils Disclosed
Tech giants, corporations and governments could dramatically change blockchain tech from decentralized to centralized on their path to its adoption
‘Blockchain Alternative’ Hedera Skyrockets Over 200% on Google Cloud News
Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR), deemed as a blockchain alternative, has surged in the market over the past couple of days after news came out that the blockchain platform is working with Google Cloud, a suite of cloud computing services, in several areas.
As of pixel time on Thursday (11:00 UTC), HBAR...
Collective #589
Toward Responsive Elements * The wonderful sound of an atomic commit * OpenChakra * * GitHub CLI beta
Collective #589 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Google Joins Hedera Hashgraph’s Governing Council
Google joins Hedera’s Governing Council, following other major companies
How to Create a Physics-based 3D Cloth with Cannon.js and Three.js
Learn how to create a physics-based 3D cloth with Cannon.js and Three.js and use simplex noise to create a wind effect.
How to Create a Physics-based 3D Cloth with Cannon.js and Three.js was written by Arno Di Nunzio and published on Codrops
Building the Web We Want
On the Microsoft Edge team, we’re committed to an open web and helping to drive innovation forward, which is why we’ve kicked off a new initiative in collaboration with Google, Mozilla, Samsung Internet, Igalia and — most importantly — the web community, called The Web...
10 skrytých nastavení prohlížeče Google Chrome, která se můžou hodit
Prohlížeč Google Chrome ukrývá mnoho zajímavých možností • Našli jsme deset nejzajímavějších skrytých nastavení • Můžete si například výrazně vylepšit práci s kartami
UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #3
The latest collection of interesting and modern UI interaction and animation concepts.
UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #3 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Collective #588
Baretest * Demystifying Browsers * Good First Issue * Why Web Browsers Are FREE * DotMatrx.js
Collective #588 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Google Mapy oslavily 15. let. Mají novou ikonu a ve Street View se projdete v Národním muzeu
Mapy od Googlu oslavily 15. let od svého založení. K výročí dostaly novou ikonu i pozměněné rozhraní na mobilních zařízeních. V Česku se navíc nově můžeme projít v rámci Street View i po Národním muzeu v Praze.
Služba od Googlu si za roky získala poměrně značnou uživatelskou základnu, aktuálně
On Its 15th Birthday, Google Maps Has Some Brilliant Updates for You!
Google Maps do not need any introduction. It is such a staple digital companion that our lives literally revolve around its axis! On the occasion of its 15th Birthday, we decided to confetti all the impressive details of the Google maps, and to share with you some very exciting updates from Google...
Guillermo’s 2019 in Review
Of all the tech-focused year-in-review posts I read, Guillermo Rauch's is my favorite. There is a lot in there, jumping from topics like modern architectures, high-fiving specific apps, and philosophical movements.
I'll pick one quote about the rise of "deploy previews":
A salient feature is...
Crypto News Roundup for Feb. 7, 2020
With bitcoin meeting new resistance at $9850, Markets Daily is back with our daily news roundup
Awesome Demos Roundup #13
A fresh selection of the most interesting demos and web experiments from the past weeks.
Awesome Demos Roundup #13 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Do YouTube Music brzy nahrajete i vlastní skladby. Konec Google Play Music se blíží
Google službu YouTube Music představil již před několika lety a měla by v budoucnu nahradit starší Play Music. To se sice zatím nestalo, konečně ale doplní jednu z nejdůležitějších funkcí – možnost nahrávat si vlastní hudbu.
Možnost nahrání vlastních skladeb do cloudu je jedna z funkcí,
Čínští výrobci telefonů vyráží do boje s Google Play Store. Naženou vývojáře do vlastních obchodů
Čtyři největší čínští výrobci telefonů vytvořili konsorcium, které jim má pomoci bojovat s dominancí obchodu s aplikacemi Google Play. Informuje o tom agentura Reuters, která cituje nejmenovaný zdroj. Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo a Vivo v rámci nové skupiny připravují platformu, přes půjde snáze nahrávat
Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block
For the last six years, Vue, Angular, and React have run the world of front-end component frameworks. Google and Facebook have their own sponsored frameworks, but they might leave a bitter taste for anyone who advocates for an open and unbiased web. Vue is another popular framework that...