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Script & Style Show: Episode 16: JavaScript & LEDs with Kristina Durivage

In this episode:  Todd’s back from an amazing conference and David sees this week’s guest as being the ticket to making his kids thing he’s a super hero.  The amazing Kristina Durivage stops by to talk JavaScript, electrical engineering and unusual uses of LEDs for programming...

Adding Particle Effects to DOM Elements with Canvas

Let’s take a look at how to make web pages more visually capable by combining the freedom of <canvas> with HTML elements. Specifically, we will be creating a basic HTML-to-particle effect, but the same technique could be used for many kinds of effects. Before we begin, feel free to grab...

Designing A Usable Contact Page In WordPress: Tips & Trends

Every great website needs a contact page. You can set this up on a static HTML site or a CMS like WordPress which offers a lot of flexibility &... The post Designing A Usable Contact Page In WordPress: Tips & Trends appeared first on Onextrapixel

Your Body Text is Too Small

Several years ago, there was a big push by designers to increase the font-size of websites and I feel like we’re living in another era of accessibility improvements where a fresh batch of designers are pushing for even larger text sizing today. Take this post by Christian Miller, for example, where...

Collective #434

Building the Google Photos Web UI * Color Wheel Generator * Jasper * Totoro Toggle * Grabient * 3D City with Matter.js * Halftone Effect Collective #434 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

PSA: Yes, Serverless Still Involves Servers.

You clever dog. You've rooted it out! It turns out when you build things with serverless technology you're still using servers. Pardon the patronizing tone there, I've seen one-too-many hot takes at this point where someone points this fact out and trots away triumphantly. And yes, because...

8 Digit Hex Colors

One of the most requested capabilities in my early days of web development was the ability to set opacity on elements and even PNG images without the need for browser-specific CSS or hacks.  Eventually we got native opacity support and even enjoyed rgba(), the ability to cite an opacity level with...

Script & Style Show: Episode 15: CSP with Scott Helme

In this episode:  Todd dials in from a poppin’ KCDC while David dials in with a massive headache.  Scott Helme dials in from lovely Manchester to discuss web security, specifically the criminally underused CSP API.  Join us to learn what CSP is, why it’s important, how it works,...

Hyperlinking Beyond the Web

Hyperlinks are the oldest and the most popular feature of the web. The word hypertext (which is the ht in http/s) means text having hyperlinks. The ability to link to other people’s hypertext made the web, a web — a set of connected pages. This fundamental feature has made the web a very...

Delivering WordPress in 7KB

Over the past six months, I've become increasingly interested in the topic of web sustainability. The carbon footprint of the Internet was not something I used to give much thought to, which is surprising considering my interest in environmental issues and the fact that my profession...

Building Text-to-Speech Apps for the Web

Having interacted with several apps over the years, there is a very high chance that you have interacted with apps that provide some form of voice experience. It could be an app with text-to-speech

12 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Developers

Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular source code editors for web developers. It was released in 2015 by Microsoft and offers many awesome features you can... The post 12 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Developers appeared first on Onextrapixel

Clearfix: A Lesson in Web Development Evolution

The web community has, for the most part, been a spectacularly open place. As such, a lot of the best development techniques happen right out in the open, on blogs and in forums, evolving as they’re passed around and improved. I thought it might be fun (and fascinating) to actually follow this...

Stát spustil web pro elektronickou evidenci občanů. Zatím to moc nefunguje

Stát aktuálně chystá spuštění nového Portálu občana a občanských průkazů s čipem, s čímž souvisí i nutnost správy svého online profilu pro přihlašování do státních služeb. K tomu by měl sloužit nově zprovozněný web Web má sloužit jako vstupní brána a správa vašeho

​Build a web traffic monitor with Python

In today’s tech world, it is important to know where the traffic on your website comes from because it helps content creators and website owners understand their visitors better. Website owners can

[aktualita] Patrick Zandl prodává hodinkářský web

Patrick Zandl, který se dnes věnuje zejména routeru Turris v CZ.NIC, po letech prodává web Chrono­ věnující se hodinkám. Provozoval ho od roku 2004. Kupujícím je společnost Tempus Consulting zastoupená Robertem Wolfem. Cena obchodu nebyla zveřejněna. „První článek jsem jako Chronomag vydal...

8 Best Atom Packages for Web Developers

Atom is one of the most popular and feature-rich source code editors for web developers. Originally, Atom was GitHub’s internal tool. Later, they decided to open-source it for the... The post 8 Best Atom Packages for Web Developers appeared first on Onextrapixel

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