
Nalezeno "Fund": 2732

The Exchange for the New Generation — Launches Globally

The Singapore-based exchange,, is the newest force in digital asset trading platforms. Invested by Digital Finance Group with Ledger X, Circle and other well-known blockchain projects in the portfolio, stands out with adequate resource and enters global market fast with...

Financial Giant Fidelity Backs Bitcoin Derivatives Yield Fund

The Los Angeles-based Wave Financial has announced the launch of a bitcoin derivatives-based yield fund and Fidelity will provide custody for the fund’s BTC reserves. Wave Financial’s crypto fund commencement is part of a growing trend toward launching BTC derivatives products....

Elementus Raises $3.5M as Part of the Fund Linked to Fidelity Investments

Elementus, a startup concentrated on spotting unlawful exchanges made with digital currency, recently declared raising 3.5 million dollars, partially from a fund connected with Fidelity Investments. Elementus comes from the part of a new sector, known as blockchain analytics, which is based...

Iran Is Being Targeted for Economic Independence, Not Terrorism

New, unprecedented economic sanctions have been imposed on Iran’s central bank after blame for a September 14 oil field attack was pinned on the nation by U.S. leaders. The sanctions blacklist the Iranian central bank and sovereign wealth fund, further severing the country’s already...

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