
Nalezeno "google campus warsaw residency": 3979

Searching the Jamstack

Here's Raymon Camden on adding site search functionality to a site that is statically hosted. A classic trick! Just shoot 'em to Google and scope the results to your site: <form action="" method="get"<input type="search" name="q"...

Case Study:

A case study that explores the motivation, design and implementation behind the awareness campaign website made by Locomotive. Case Study: was written by Marie-Christine Dion and published on Codrops

Collective #582

City Roads * Design System Checklist * The Apple Archive * The JAMstack in 2020 Collective #582 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Huawei má náhradu za Google Mapy. Spolupracovat bude s TomTomem

Huawei aktuálně řeší problém, jak nahradit chybějící aplikace od Googlu ve svých telefonech. Kvůli obchodním restrikcím ze strany USA je totiž nemůže využívat. Nyní našlo náhradu za mapové podklady – využije data TomTomu. Čínská firma je aktuálně nucena hledat náhradu za chybějící služby, které

Collective #581

Magical Rainbow Gradients * Tiny Helpers * Dark Isn't Just a Mode * Is reduce() bad? Collective #581 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Google zabije aplikace v Chrome. Doplňky v prohlížeči ale zůstanou

Aplikace pro Chrome odstartovaly v roce 2013, kdy Google chtěl vytvořit vlastní ekosystém okolo prohlížeče. To se ale příliš nepodařilo a i když se našlo několik kvalitních aplikací, ve velkém se neuchytily. Firma tak pro ně postupně ukončí podporu. Potřebu samotných aplikací v Chromu totiž v

A Trend to Follow – Headline-Centric Hero Areas

Homepage headlines have always been an important focus of attention. While web app builders see them as an essential detail of the entire composition, regular visitors see them as... The post A Trend to Follow – Headline-Centric Hero Areas appeared first on Onextrapixel

How We Tagged Google Fonts and Created

GooFonts is a side project signed by a developer-wife and a designer-husband, both of them big fans of typography. We’ve been tagging Google Fonts and built a website that makes searching through and finding the right font easier. GooFonts uses WordPress in the back end...

[aktualita] Google chce web zbavit cookies třetích stran

Společnost Google, která stojí za nejpoužívanějším webovým prohlížečem současnosti, hodlá v rámci své iniciativy Privacy Sandbox zbavit v horizontu dvou let web toho, co se běžně na stránkách označuje jako cookies třetích stran. Společnost o tom informovala včera na Chromium blogu. První drobná...

3D Folding Layout Technique for HTML Elements

A tutorial on an experimental 3D layout technique for HTML elements with endless possibilities. 3D Folding Layout Technique for HTML Elements was written by Daniel Velasquez and published on Codrops

Collective #580

React-three-fiber v4 * /uses * Goodbye, Clean Code * Aria Tablist * Theme UI Gallery Collective #580 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Ex-Google Pay Execs Manages to Raise $13.2M For a Neo-Banking Platform

Sujith Narayanan and Sumit Gwalani, the two co-founders of leading payment settlement app Google Pay in India have announced that their startup epiFi has secured a massive amount of $13.2 million through the Seed financial round. The two prominent executives of the Google Pay India team are gearing...

Collective #579 * Let's Learn Eleventy! * Publish * Multi-Thumb Sliders * 22120 Collective #579 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

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