Global CSS options with custom properties
With a preprocessor, like Sass, building a logical “do this or don’t” setting is fairly straightforward:
$option: false;
@mixin doThing {
@if $option {
do-thing: yep;
.el {
@include doThing;
Can we do that in native CSS with custom properties? Mark Otto shows...
A First Look at `aspect-ratio`
Oh hey! A brand new property that affects how a box is sized! That’s a big deal. There are lots of ways already to make an aspect-ratio sized box (and I’d say this custom properties based solution is the best), but none of them are particularly intuitive and certainly not...
Unibos Portable SSD ×4 Storage Box: otestovali jsme diskové šasi s Thunderboltem 3 od českého výrobce
Český výrobce Unibos začal prodávat unikátní externí šasi pro SSD • Jako první na světě nabízí vše v malých rozměrech • Rychlé přenosy dat zajišťuje řadič Thunderbolt 3
Playing With (Fake) Container Queries With watched-box & resizeasaurus
Heydon’s <watched-box> is a damn fantastic tool. It’s a custom element that essentially does container queries by way of class names that get added to the box based on size breakpoints that are calculated with ResizeObserver. It’s like a cleaner version of what Philip...
Pro-Monero Film Briefly Tops US Box Office With $3,430 Gross
The film was created after its producer realized that he could top the box office charts with a handful of digital screenings amid the coronavirus lockdown
Blockchain Bites: Ripple Sues YouTube, Monero Hits the Box Office and Draper Wants Crypto Everywhere
Is Renaissance bullish on bitcoin? What's the "crypto/lobbyist" revolving door? Will YouTube take down XRP giveaway scams?
Fake Code
Here’s a fun little idea from Knut Synstad. You give it the URL of a GitHub Gist and it converts the Gist into grayscale rounded blobs (SVG) that sorta look like code if you squint. Maybe fun for interesting dynamic backgrounds or for whatever you might use code-looking stock art for.
Creating Playful Effects With CSS Text Shadows
Let’s have a look at how we can use the CSS text-shadow property to create truly 3D-looking text. You might think of text-shadow as being able to apply blurred, gradient-looking color behind text, and you would be right! But just like box-shadow, you can control how blurred the shadow is, including...
Collective #602
Watched Box * Generative Data Visualization * Writing an Emulator in JavaScript * Stacks * Meanderer
Collective #602 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
SEC Seeks More Feedback on tZERO’s Proposed Security Token Exchange
The commission has extended a comment period on a proposed rule change to clear a regulatory path for the Boston Security Token Exchange, a tZERO-backed platform
Facebook začne lidem ukazovat box s aktuálními informacemi o koronaviru
Novinku úzce související s aktuální pandemií koronaviru chce v příštích dnech zavést Facebook. Lidem na hlavní stránce začne ukazovat box s informacemi, ve kterém se dočtou nejnovější zprávy týkající se nákazy ve své zemi. Šéf sítě Mark Zuckerberg zdůraznil, že informace budou ověřené a budou
These Online Stores Will Sell You Masks, Gloves, Emergency Items for Cryptocurrency
Events like the global coronavirus outbreak provide good justification for some prepping. Crises like this often result in shortages and skyrocketing prices of important emergency items, proving that everyone should keep a box of face masks and even a decent survival kit, should things go really...
The CSS Podcast
From Adam and Una at Google, a podcast just about CSS. I believe I'm contractually obliged to link to that! Just one episode out so far, a shorty about the box model.
Last time I wrote up podcasts I like was 8 years ago most of them are dead now, except the biggies like This American Life and...
Šikovný adaptér od Icy Dock promění slot PCI Express ve vyměnitelný box pro 2,5palcové disky
Dnešní počítačové skříně sice často mají hodně místa na pevné disky, ale s koncem optických mechanik jim většinou chybí přední pozice, které jsou nahrazené pevnou strukturou v podobě designově tvarovaného plastu nebo skla. Co když ale chcete používat box pro vyměnitelný disk?
Icy Dock začal
tZero-Affiliated Firm Hopes SEC Will Pass Updated Proposal for Security Token Platform
The Boston Options Exchange modified its plan to launch a security token exchange, increasing its required market makers and bringing its listing standards closer to the NYSE's
Collective #595
Variable Fonts Primer * Cannon-es and use-cannon * Faux Code Generator * Learn Box Alignment
Collective #595 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Unfortunately, clip-path: path() is Still a No-Go
I was extremely excited when I first heard that clip-path: path() was coming to Firefox. Just imagine being able to easily code a breathing box like the one below with just one HTML element and very little CSS without needing SVG or a huge list of points inside the polygon function!
How to Customize the WooCommerce Cart Page on a WordPress Site
A standard e-commerce site has a few common pages. There are product pages, shop pages that list products, and let’s not forget pages for the user account, checkout flow and cart.
WooCommerce makes it a trivial task to set these up on a WordPress site because it provides templates for them...
Warren Buffett Slates Bitcoin, Denies Owning Crypto Gifted by Justin Sun
“I don’t have any bitcoin. I don’t own any cryptocurrency, I never will … You can’t do anything with it except sell it to somebody else.” So claimed Warren Buffet in an interview this week on CNBC. Over the course of the two-minute segment, the billionaire...
[článek] Všechno v jednom. Jak Švýcaři připravili chytrý box pro milovníky seriálů a sportu
[6 minut čtení] Napůl státní švýcarský operátor Swisscom vyšel vstříc zákazníkům, kteří milují seriálové maratony. Svým novým zařízením hýčká i sportovní fanoušky. Typičtí zákazníci internetových televizí mají často jednoduchý požadavek. Chtějí multimediální box, díky němuž mohou na svém televizoru...