
Nalezeno "Vision": 292

Velké překvapení: Sony představilo autonomní elektromobil Vision-S

V Las Vegas právě probíhá 53. ročník veletrhu spotřební elektroniky CES. Mezi vystavujícími pochopitelně nemůže chybět japonský výrobce elektroniky Sony, který v rámci své prezentace představil naprosto nečekanou novinku v podobě elektromobilu. Jedná se o koncept pojmenovaný Vision-S. Případné

View from The Capital: Tokenizing Hashpower

By: Ryan Condron, CEO of Titan TL;DR: If you missed Titan’s presentation at The Capital, here’s a video of their presentation at The Capital and our preliminary whitepaper. It’s been some time since we presented our vision for tokenizing hashpower […] The post View from The Capital:...

Reports Criticize Bitcoin SV Miners and the Chain’s Upcoming Fork

In the last two days there have been two critical posts published against the Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision network (BSV). On December 17, Binance Research published an allocation mining report that analyzed the mining activities of BTC, BCH, and BSV and the research detailed that BSV miners...


There are loads of microsites and developer tools for looking at color accessibility, including tools built right into browser DevTools. They often show you if a color passes AA or AAA WCAG guidelines. But color contrast is more complicated than that because there is a wide variety of vision...

Don’t Blame China: Why BTC Still Can’t Compete With Fiat

In the wake of recent price movements, doubts are beginning to crop up more and more around BTC maximalist circles. As focus shifts from Satoshi’s founding vision of the coin as cash to a mere digital gold to be saved and “cashed out” later, valid questions are indeed raised....

Some CSS Grid Strategies for Matching Design Mockups

The world of web development has always had a gap between the design-to-development handoff. Ambitious designers want the final result of their effort to look unique and beautiful (and true to their initial vision), whereas many developers find more value in an outcome that is consistent...

Lightning Network User Confused By Protocol: Lost 30,000 USD

The Lightning Network has long been touted by its proponents as a speedy, low-cost solution to Bitcoin’s scaling issues. A series of security scares and UX issues have called that vision into question however. The latest LN slip-up saw a user lose 4 BTC in one fell swoop. Also read: Hidden...

2Local with a Vision to Abolish Poverty & Hunger

2Local intends to empower long-term prosperity and sustainability by structuring a unique blockchain-based marketplace. 2local builds a market place that makes local and sustainable purchases available to everybody. 2Local is the innovation of creative business people who would like to create...

New Bitcoin Cash Specs Propose Heightened Privacy and Double-Spend Proofs

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) development continues as software engineers have revealed two distinct concepts that aim to boost the BCH network. Bitcoin Cash developer Tom Zander has announced new documentation concerning the vision of a double-spend proofs, which now exists as a pull request to...

Microsoft and Apple Join Second Vision Fund of SoftBank

SoftBank Group has probably been the biggest driver of growth in the tech space over the past decade or so. It has backed some of the most interesting startups all over the world and has managed to grow them into behemoths. The company had made investments in companies like Uber and We work among...

SIX Fintech Ventures Buys Stake In Digital ID Outfit PXL Vision

Over the past half a decade or so, the Fintech industry has grown into a veritable behemoth, and much of the credit must go to the innovators who have worked tirelessly to make it another pillar of the financial industry. In that regard, SIX Fintech Ventures has also been one of the more...

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