Full Stack Panic
A new podcast from Sean Fioritto inspired by Joel Califa's term "Full Stack Anxiety".
... the little voice in your head says ... “I should know all of this. Do I even know what I'm doing?” Why do web developers the world over feel like this?
There is an episode with Joel talking about it as well... Not Sure About Giving EOS Voice; Market Unmoved
Source: a screenshot, Instagram, eosio_official
As the community is learning about’s change of plans about blockchain on which their anticipated decentralized social media platform, Voice is to be launched, the price of EOS doesn’t seem to be affected.
The announcement in June 2019...
Block.One Will Not Launch Its Social Network on EOS
In a departure from earlier announcements, the company now says its Facebook rival, Voice, "will be run on a purpose-made EOSIO blockchain."
Blockchain Social Media Startup Voice Hires Ex Forbes Exec as CEO
Decentralized social media platform hires Forbes exec to take on Facebook and Twitter
[aktualita] Věty jsou posbírány, začíná nahrávání. Mozilla Common Voice se učí česky
Projekt Mozilla Common Voice posbíral dostatečný počet vět, díky kterým se může rozjet tvorba dat pro rozpoznávání řeči v českém jazyce. Common Voice je otevřená aktivita Mozilly, díky které by každý zájemce měl získat možnost učit stroje automatické rozpoznávání řeči v jednotlivých jazycích. Data...
EOS-Based Social Media Platform Voice Announces Beta Launch
Blockchain-based social media platform Voice created by EOS announced that its beta will launch on Feb. 14 next year
EOS to Show its Beta Voice on Valentine’s Day 2020
EOS developer says it will be ready to launch the beta version for its forthcoming Voice social networking platform on February 14, 2020., the company behind EOS and the EOSIO protocol, first made its social media intentions clear in June this year, when it announced it would...
Quiet achiever
CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 4 September, 2019 Courage "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the silent voice at the end of the day that says 'I will try again tomorrow." - Mary Anne Radmacher Happy Toosday! The […]
The post Quiet achiever...
PR: Plan Flash – Decentralized Data Processing
Data processing is indispensable everywhere and all the time in modern life. The daily services we use every day, such as face recognition, voice assistant, text recognition, automatic recommendation, automatic data analysis and so on, all have a large number of data processing requirements... Paid $30 Million For a Domain Name
Blockchain solution provider Block.One paid $30 million for
EOS Developer Paid USD 30 million for
19.6.2019, the company behind the EOS blockchain platform, paid USD 30 million in cash for the domain, used by their new social media platform.
The news was confirmed by MicroStrategy, a provider of enterprise analytics and mobility software, who sold the domain to
Block.One’s New Social Media Site Will Do Identity Checks for Every User
Details are emerging about's new social platform, Voice. Here's what we know so far
EOS Based Block.One Announced Reward and Privacy-Focused Social Media Platform, Voice
Blockchain tech is booming and blooming in almost every know internet based sectors, and social media is one of them. EOS has been among the leading platforms for dapps, and certainly among the best in terms of innovation. One of EOS prominent development sub-networks, has introduced...
The Crypto Market Didn't Like New Voice of, EOS Drops
2.6.2019 CTO Dan Larimer on the stage of the event where the news were announced. EOS price dropped following the news that, company behind the EOS blockchain platform, aims to launch a new social media project, Voice.
It will be launched on the EOS Public Blockchain. Rumors that...
Eos Developer Announces Blockchain-Based Social Media Platform Voice
CEO of announces Voice, a social media platform built on the Eos public blockchain
[článek] DDoS útok loni řešila třetina českých firem. Jak se bránit?
[MarketVoice] [6 minut čtení] V Česku je podle statistik každý den napadeno DDOS útoky v průměru 51 firem. V roce 2017 zaznamenala DDoS útok na svou síť až třetina všech českých firem. Tento typ útoku, při kterém jsou servery oběti zahlceny a znepřístupněny ostatním uživatelům, přitom patří...
Jak budeme nakupovat v budoucnosti? A co všechno o vás ví hlasoví asistenti už teď?
Přitahuje vás budoucnost? Tak si udělejte pohodlí, právě do ní vyrážíme. Začneme pozvolna, pak trochu přitvrdíme a nakonec vám asi docela zatrne. Není divu. Prostředí online nákupů se a posledních pár let změnilo tak, že i ty nejdivočejší představy se mohou už zítra splnit. Jmenuji se Michal...
Accessibility Events
“There isn't some way to know when—…?”
There is always a pause here. The client knows what they're asking, and I know what they're asking, but putting it into words—saying it out loud—turns unexpectedly difficult.
In the moments before the asking, it was a purely technical question—no different...
7 trendů, které zahýbou světem hlasových technologií
Vývoj hlasových technologií kráčí kupředu mílovými kroky, ruku v ruce s tím se rozšiřují i možnosti jejich využití. Ať už se jedná o hlasové vyhledávání nebo vzdálenou autorizaci požadavků v bankách a pojišťovnách, stávají se hlasové technologie přirozenou součástí našeho každodenního života....
[aktualita] Common Voice má dalších 1400 hodin nahrávek v 18 jazycích
Mozilla aktualizovala svou open source hlasovou databázi Common Voice o 1400 hodin nahrávek v 18 jazycích, v databázi, která slouží hlavně pro strojové učení, byla přitom ještě před rokem pouze angličtina. Na aktualizaci upozornil server Venturebeat. Common Voice je iniciativa Mozilly, která...