Grand Theft Auto V Immortalizes Lost Titanic Submarine With Fan Mod
One of the biggest slow motion tragedies in recent memory appears to have wrapped up with a bad if not altogether shocking ending. The lost OceanGate Expeditions Titan submersible is now believed to have imploded on its way to the Titanic wreck, and in fact the U.S. Navy apparently knew this...
Czech automobile conglomerate Škoda Auto launches NFT platform
The nonfungible token platform was launched in partnership with Near Protocol
Cestoval přes tisíc kilometrů, aby zapálil oblíbené streamerce auto
Americká streamerka Kylee Carterová, známá pod internetovou přezdívkou Justfoxii nasdílela video z bezpečnostních kamer, ve kterém jí někdo zapaluje před domem stojící auto. Poté, co viníka zadržela policie, se ukázalo, že jde o zhrzeného fanouška, který kvůli tomu cestoval více než tisíc kilometrů
Mysterious New GTA Online Shirt Has Fans Convinced Rockstar Is Teasing GTA 6
Do you hear that? The faint sound of thousands of Grand Theft Auto fans going wild online over the latest (possible) GTA 6 conspiracy. This time it involves an odd shirt with a coded message that briefly appeared in GTA Online after the latest update. And while the shirt seems to be gone now,...
GTA Online Just Got Its Best New Feature In Years
Grand Theft Auto Online’s latest update, San Andreas Mercenaries, adds new missions and quality-of-life changes to the aging online game. However, while that content is cool and all, the best thing added in this update is probably (and surprisingly) a new menu. I know, doesn’t sound very exciting....
Confessions of a Web Developer XX
It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten a few things off of my chest and since I’m always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: One day you’re getting recruited by another crypto wallet vendor, the next their users are getting drained of funds....
How to Create a Screen Recording with Quicktime
Creating screen recordings is an essential skill for web developers. Screen recordings can illustrate new features, bugs, or a variety of other ideas. I’m often asked what app I use to create screen recordings and people are shocked when I tell them Quicktime! Let’s review how to create...
Why is Grand Theft Auto 6 unlikely to incorporate cryptocurrencies?
From time to time, rumors surface that Grand Theft Auto 6 will integrate cryptocurrency, fueling expectations that the franchise may make its way to Web3
Martin Vaculík vzal 300 tisíc a srovnal prémiové benziny. Modrá Verva 100 s dvojnásobkem biosložky auto nezpomalí
Kolegové z časopisu Svět motorů a webu v čele s Martinem Vaculíkem vydali nádherný článek, ve kterém detailně testují prémiová paliva všech velkých značek na českém trhu: MOL EVO 100 Plus, OMV MaxxMotion 100, Shell V-Power Racing 100 a obzvláště zajímavá je dvojice Orlen Benzina Verva 100 a
Tesla Model Y je nejprodávanější auto světa. V prvním čtvrtletí porazila spalovací Toyotu a všechny ostatní
Firma JATO Dynamics, která se věnuje analýzám v automobilovém průmyslu, z prodejů v prvním čtvrtletí roku 2023 zjistila, že vítězství patří Tesle Model Y. S 267 200 prodanými kusy o deset tisíc aut přeskočila Toyotu Corolla a její varianty. Napsal o tom web Motor 1.
Corolla ale přece není
Grand Theft Auto 6 možná vyjde v příštím roce. Vydavatelství Take-Two očekává miliardové zisky
Witcher 3 Fans Think New Patch Gameplay Change Breaks Immersion
CD Projekt Red just released a new patch for its open world RPG Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. However, players aren’t happy with all of the changes. One of the most controversial ones is the ability to auto-apply your oils instead of doing so manually before engaging with a monster. Players...
Restart Mac From Command Line
Restarting and shutting down a computer remotely is a frequent task for remote system administrators. As someone that writes many shell scripts, I also find myself automating system restarts. Let’s look at a few ways to restart Mac systems from command line! Restart a Local Mac To restart...
Ford už v 60. letech postavil létající auto. Opravdu se vznášelo a k jízdě mu stačilo 18 koní
Americký automobilový průmysl v šedesátých letech jako by neznal hranice. Byla to doba futuristických konceptů, v nichž se střídaly pohony od proudových po jaderné. Ford věřil, že auta budoucnosti budou létat na vzduchovém polštáři podobně jako dnešní vznášedla. Vytvořil prototyp kompaktního vozu,
How to Use Your Domain on Bluesky
Bluesky is a hot new social networking platform that functions like Twitter from Twitter’s original founder. New users are flooding into the platform as a respite from Elon Musk’s vision of Twitter and the fumbles that have happened since his takeover. Upon signing up for Bluesky, your...
10 Of The Best Ways Games Put Dirty Cheaters In Their Place
In most games, when a cheater gets caught in the act, they receive their just desserts in the form of a swift ban. Goodbye! But sometimes developers want to have a little more fun at the loser’s expense, go an extra mile to do something a little more memorable and elaborate. Maybe they disable...
10 Great Multipurpose WordPress Themes (Sponsored)
Multipurpose themes are flexible WordPress templates that can be used to create virtually any kind of website. They are often best-sellers, and because they are so popular there are a lot of them to choose from. Too many in fact unless you have time to spare to find one that is best for you. Where...
How to Blur Faces in a Video from Command Line
Privacy is always incredibly important, especially with visual media where you may not have the permission of individuals in the video. If you’re filming something in public, it’s likely you’ll catch someone’s face who simply doesn’t want or need to be identified. This...
What is Auto-GPT, and why does it matter?
Auto-GPT is a powerful tool for task automation that combines natural language processing and deep learning to generate human-like text responses
CSS content-visibility
The CSS language is full of small gaps which are frustrating to navigate. Between CSS properties to hide a container and its contents, there is still room for improvement. visibility: hidden keeps height and width integrity while display: none on a container hides everything. You can...