The Can’t-Miss Side-Quests Of Horizon Forbidden West
If there’s one regard wherein Horizon Forbidden West should be deemed Horizon Forbidden Best, it’s the optional stuff. Every side-quest in the game culminates with a meaningful reward. In some cases, you get a cool weapon or set of armor. In others, you’ll catch a narrative denouement richer than...
The Best Gear In Horizon Forbidden West (And Where To Find It)
Surviving in Horizon Forbidden West, an open-world game about what happens when Elon Musk funds one too many projects, is only partially contingent on skill. But if you want to thrive in the robo-dino apocalypse, you’ll need to equip yourself with the best gear around.Read more
VR platforma Horizon Worlds od Mety už slaví 300 000 uživatelů. Má být základem pro metaverse
Meta poslední měsíce zaměřila svoji pozornost zejména na budování metaversa, nového virtuální světa, který má být budoucností nejen internetu. Jeden z prvních prvků v tomto směru je VR sociální platforma pro headsety Quest jménem Horizon Worlds. Teprve se rozjíždí, ale už nyní s ní Meta podle svých
Meta’s Horizon Worlds Userbase Grows Tenfold in Three Months
Horizon Worlds, one of the flagship metaverse apps that Meta has released, has reached a monthly userbase of 300K users on its platform. Meta’s executives announced this milestone in a virtual all-hands update last week. The company also announced recently that more than 10,000 worlds...
Horizon Forbidden West byl odložen, aby se tvůrci vyhnuli přesčasům
Vyšly dvě herní pecky, Cyberpunk 2077 je next-gen a blíží se nová Duna
V uplynulém týdnu nevyšly jen hned dvě očekávané herní pecky, ale i masivní patch pro Cyberpunk 2077. Kromě toho jsme viděli v akci novou Dunu a na přetřes přišlo téma ohledně prezervace her, tentokrát ve spojitosti s koncem aplikačních odchodů Nintenda
23 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Horizon Forbidden West
Horizon Forbidden West, out now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, is the size of a dinosaur. Like any big game, it’s a whole lot to take in, and can be overwhelming at times. You can and indeed should figure out a lot of its quirks and secrets on your own. But take it from me, someone who’s...
The 10 Best Skills You Should Get ASAP In Horizon Forbidden West
Horizon Forbidden West, Guerrilla Games’ sumptuous homage to the concept of lens flare, is massive—so massive, in fact, that it doesn’t have a skill tree. Nope, it has six.Read more
Before You Start: Five Settings To Change In Horizon Forbidden West
The only thing bigger than Horizon Forbidden West’s open-world is its suite of options. Guerrilla’s splashy PlayStation action-adventure game features dozens of settings, some of which—difficulty sliders, controller presets, visual modes—are par for the course. But others, like the ability to slow...
Don’t Miss Horizon Forbidden West’s Buried Gyro Aiming Feature
Horizon Forbidden West, an open-world game about validating every kindergartener’s dream of being a paleontologist, gives you a vast collection of high-tech bows and arrows to play with. Like many video game bows, this arsenal can be finicky when aiming with a thumbstick, so some players will...
I Can't Stop Ogling Horizon Forbidden West's Wind
How do you fill up a giant open world so that it doesn’t feel dead and empty? You can litter the map with points of interest, unleash a swarm of prehistoric robots to roam its peaks and valleys, and make sure every other vista is exploding with lens flair. Or, in Horizon Forbidden West’s case,...
Za získání trofeje v Horizonu bude Sony sázet stromy
Everything You Need To Know About Horizon Zero Dawn’s Story Before You Play Forbidden West
Horizon Forbidden West is almost out, and it basically picks up exactly where the previous game left off. The opening hours will pelt you with strange names, supposedly familiar faces, and a helpful but extremely brief recap of the events of Horizon Zero Dawn. If you’re planning on jumping into...
Až díky Horizonu mnozí muži zjistili, že ženy mají na obličeji chloupky
Horizon Forbidden West je jednou z nejočekávanějších her letošního roku a tak není divu, že se o ní den před oficiálním vydáním hodně mluví. Ne všechny reakce jsou ovšem jen pozitivní, najdou se i lidé, kteří se pozastavují nad vzhledem hlavní hrdinky Aloy. Není to přitom poprvé
Horizon Forbidden West Reviews Say It's Really Good (And Really Familiar)
The embargo for Horizon Forbidden West has lifted, which means reviews have dropped before the game launches on February 18. Our review praised the game for its many improvements, including overhauling the rather uninventive climbing puzzles. And the wider critical consensus suggests that this...
Good News, Horizon Forbidden West Plays Fine And Still Looks Beautiful On Base PS4
I was ready for Horizon Forbidden West to be a big disappointment on base PS4s. The game is a technical marvel in so many ways on PS5, and developer Guerilla Games hadn’t been showing off a ton of last-gen footage. Surely it would suffer on Sony’s old hardware. Not so. While a clear downgrade,...
České video rekapituluje celý příběh Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Forbidden West: The Kotaku Review
For a game about exploring the unknown, Horizon Forbidden West sure plays it safe.Read more
RECENZE: Horizon Forbidden West naplnil očekávání a kandiduje na hru roku
Druhý díl očekávaného Horizonu je konečně tady. A my už můžeme potvrdit, že v drtivé většině ohledů je přesně tím, na co se příznivci jedničky těšili. Takže vzhůru zpátky do budoucnosti, robotické šelmy si už na vás brousí zuby
The Week In Games: What's On The Horizon?
It’s time for another large open-world game. Have you had enough time to finish the last one? Well, regardless, Horizon Forbidden West releases on PS4 and PS5 this Friday. Read more