An Introduction to CSS Shapes
CSS Shapes allow us to make interesting and unique layouts by defining geometric shapes, images, and gradients that text content can flow around. Learn how to use them in this tutorial.
An Introduction to CSS Shapes was written by Tania Rascia and published on Codrops
10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for November 2018
This November's collection is packed with some powerful CSS frameworks, awesome date and time library and JS tools
10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS libraries for October 2018
We share with you a collection of awesome and free resources for this October
10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS libraries for September 2018
In this article we share with you this September's collection of amazing resources, including a powerful CSS framework and some useful JS tools
Developer Roadmaps
The path to becoming a front-end developer, as looked back upon by anyone who self-identifies that way, is likely a very windy one full of thorn bushes and band websites. Still, documenting a path, even if it's straighter and far cleaner than reality, is an interesting exercise and might just...
Font Playground
This is a wondrous little project by Wenting Zhang that showcases a series of variable fonts and lets you manipulate their settings to see the results. It’s interesting that there’s so many tools like this that have been released over the past couple of months, such as v-fonts, Axis-Praxis...
Random Day in the Life of a Developer
Yesterday, I started going through my email as soon as I got to work. I always start my day with email. I kinda like email. I read some interesting things in keeping up with the industry. I deal with some business things. I handle with some personal things. I make a note of the most important stuff...
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for July 2018
A collection of our favorite resources for this July, packed with awesome free resources including some powerful CSS frameworks and JS tools
10 Awesome Sass Libraries You Should Know About
We share with you a collection of interesting Sass libraries that you should check out
More Unicode Patterns
Creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know.
—Anni Albers, On Designing
I recently wrote a post — that was shared here on CSS-Tricks — where I looked at ways to use Unicode characters to create interesting (and random) patterns. Since then, I’ve continued to seek...
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for June 2018
This June's collection is packed with awesome free resources including some powerful CSS frameworks and JS tools
HSL() / HSLa() is great for programmatic color control
If you ever need to hand-manipulate a color in native CSS, HSL is pretty much the only way. HSL (the hsl() and hsla() functions in CSS) stands for hue, saturation, lightness, and optionally, alpha. We've talked about it before but we can break it down a little more and do some interesting things...
Dark theme in a day
Marcin Wichary has written a great piece that dives into how he used CSS Variables to create a night mode and high contrast theme in an app. There’s so many neat tricks about how to use CSS Variables (Chris has also looked at theming) as well as how to organize them (Andras Galante has...
Five of My Favorite Features of Jetpack
Jetpack is an official WordPress plugin directly from Automattic. It's an interesting plugin in that it doesn't just do *one thing* — it does a whole slew of things that enhance what your WordPress site can do. *Any* WordPress site, that is, and often with extremely little effort. Those easy...
10 Amazing Web Demos And Experiments for May 2018
In this article we share with you some of the most interesting Web demos for May
Decorating lines of text with box-decoration-break
An institution’s motto, an artist’s intro, a company’s tagline, a community’s principle, a service’s greeting… all of them have one thing in common: they’re one brief paragraph displayed on a website’s home page — or at least the about page!
It’s rare that just one word or one line of text...
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for May 2018
We share with you a collection of our favorite resources for May, packed with some powerful JS frameworks, awesome date and time libraries, and much more
Scroll to the Future
This is an interesting read on the current state of scrollbars and how to control their behavior across operating systems and browsers. The post also highlights a bunch of stuff I didn’t know about, like Element.scrollIntoView() and the scroll-behavior CSS property.
My favorite part of all though?...
10 Amazing CodePen Demos for April 2018
A collection of interesting CodePen demos that you should check out
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for April 2018
We share with you a collection of awesome and free resources for this April