
Nalezeno "model": 755

This Incredible Elden Ring Paper Model Recreates Leyndell

You think Elden Ring is hard? Try painstakingly recreating one of the game’s iconic locations out of paper, that’s hard. But that’s also what artist Sky Burkson did when he made a miniature model of the Leyndell Royal Capital out of paper, toothpicks, wool, and other components.Read more

S HTC Vive XR Elite na hlavě. Vyzkoušeli jsme vrcholný model VR/AR headsetu

Ačkoli hlavní technologický hype se od technologií pro metaverse přesunul k AI technologiím pro tvorbu textu, obrazu a zvuku, neznamená to, že by v oblasti VR a AR nějak vývoj usínal. Jednou z hlavních firem, které na VR vsadily téměř osud své existence, je HTC. Novinkou pro letošní rok je HTC

OpenSea moves on to try a new Royalty model

OpenSea has announced three major changes, which includes 0% OpenSea fees for a limited promotional time, transitioning to a minimum of 0.5% optional creator earnings with a space to add more, and Open Filter not blocking marketplaces that follow the same policies. To reiterate, the 0% OpenSea...

Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow Model: What Is It & Can You Use It to Trade BTC?

The crypto asset markets are constantly evolving, and with it, new tools and methods to understand and analyze the market. One such tool is the Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow (S2F) Model, which aims to predict the price of Bitcoin based on its scarcity.  In this guide, we'll explore what the Bitcoin...

Cyberpunk 2077 Gets One Thig Right: Cars Need Buttons

The world of Cyberpunk 2077 is one where technological innovation has run wild. Its citizens are full of robot parts, can send data with their minds and can literally see other people’s dreams and memories. Yet despite all this, one aspect of everyone’s daily lives is still incredibly quaint...

Only 4% of Companies in Spain Have Moved to Offer Services in the Metaverse

Only 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them to bring parts of their business to the metaverse in...

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