Mixing Colors in Pure CSS
Red + Blue = Purple… right?
Is there some way to express that in CSS? Well, not easily. There is a proposal draft for a color-mix function and some degree of interest from Chrome, but it doesn’t seem right around the corner. It would be nice to have native CSS color mixing, as it would give...
How to Work With WordPress Block Patterns
Just a little post I wrote up over at The Events Calendar blog. The idea is that a set of blocks can be grouped together in WordPress, then registered in a register_block_pattern() function that makes the group available to use as a “block pattern” in any page or post.
Block patterns...
The Raven Technique: One Step Closer to Container Queries
For the millionth time: We need container queries in CSS! And guess what, it looks like we’re heading in that direction.
When building components for a website, you don’t always know how that component will be used. Maybe it will be render as wide as the browser window is. Maybe two of them...
Quick LocalStorage Usage in Vue
localStorage can be an incredibly useful tool in creating experiences for applications, extensions, documentation, and a variety of use cases. I’ve personally used it in each! In cases where you’re storing something small for the user that doesn’t need to be kept permanently...
How to Animate the Details Element Using WAAPI
Animating accordions in JavaScript has been one of the most asked animations on websites. Fun fact: jQuery’s slideDown() function was already available in the first version in 2011.
In this article, we will see how you can animate the native <details> element using the Web Animations...
How to Automate Project Versioning and Releases with Continuous Deployment
Having a semantically versioned software will help you easily maintain and communicate changes in your software. Doing this is not easy. Even after manually merging the PR, tagging the commit, and pushing the release, you still have to write release notes. There are a lot of different steps,...
The CSS Custom Property Toggle Trick
Back in July 2020, I got an email from James0x57 (I always try to refer to people by their name, but I think I get the sense they prefer to go by screen name) that says:
The entire world of branching conditional logic and bulk feature toggling for custom CSS properties is possible and only exists...
Creating CSS Shapes with Emoji
CSS Shapes is a standard that lets us create geometric shapes over floated elements that cause the inline contents — usually text — around those elements to wrap along the specified shapes.
Such a shaped flow of text looks good in editorial designs or designs that work with text-heavy contents...
World Gold Council Survey Shows Cryptocurrency Investment the 5th Most Popular in Russia
According to a recent research survey, cryptocurrency investment is a touch more popular than gold in Russia. An organization called the World Gold Council surveyed 2,023 investors and cryptocurrency turned out to be the fifth-largest investment next to gold. The World Gold Council (WGC)...
$10 Billion in BTC Reserves: Companies With Bitcoin Treasuries Command Close to 4% of the Supply
The web portal now shows close to two dozen firms with a large number of bitcoin reserves. Currently, the aggregate total bitcoin held in reserves by the 23 companies listed is roughly 785,999 BTC worth well over $10 billion dollars. This past August the billion-dollar firm...
The failed promise of Web Components
Lea has some words:
Perusing the components on fills me with anxiety, and I’m perfectly comfortable writing JS — I write JS for a living! What hope do those who can’t write JS have? Using a custom element from the directory often needs to be preceded by a ritual of...
YearnSwap Is All Set to Introduce Its Decentralized Ecosystem
LONDON, United Kingdom, — – Is all set to launch its Decentralized protocols (Lending, Yield Farming, Staking) for public access, YearnSwap aims to provide an Ecosystem with many prominent features available in the market today. With this launch YearnSwap has stepped...
The Silk Road Balance Sheet Discrepancy: Bitcoin Worth $4.8 Billion Still Missing
The original Silk Road marketplace has been shut down for well over seven years now and to this day, 444,000 bitcoin worth $4.8 billion is still missing. Just recently, a report focused on those funds discusses one of the market’s biggest mysteries and how people have seemingly forgotten...
Here Are the Top Public Companies That Have Adopted Bitcoin as a Reserve Asset
When Microstrategy Inc. bought $425 million bitcoin in the last two months, the decision became an important stamp of institutional approval of the top crypto’s credentials as a mature, safe-haven asset. The American technology firm had just made bitcoin its primary reserve asset to hedge...
Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, gosh, self, I wish I could have an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of this CSS selector, Lea has your back.
If you’ve ever thought that same thing for an entire CSS file, that’s what PostCSS is, which has gone v8. PostCSS doesn’t do anything...
Web Technologies and Syntax
JavaScript has a (newish) feature called optional chaining. Say I have code like:
const name =;
If person happens to not exist on Data, I’m going to get a hard, show-stopping error. With optional chaining, I can write:
const name = Data.person?.name;
Now if person...
A Gentle Introduction to Using a Docker Container as a Dev Environment
Sarcasm disclaimer: This article is mostly sarcasm. I do not think that I actually speak for Dylan Thomas and I would never encourage you to foist a light theme on people who don’t want it. No matter how wrong they may be.
When Dylan Thomas penned the words, “Do not go gentle into that good...
Vysvětlete dětem, co je to umělá inteligence. Klidně se před tím na podívejte sami
Na webu najdete pěkný výukový kurz, který dětem interaktivně vysvětlí, jak funguje umělá inteligence.
A.I. na začátku neumí vůbec nic. Jejím úkolem je vyčistit oceán od odpadu a všechno se musí napřed naučit. Takže postupně ji vytrénujete, aby poznala rybu od odpadu. Posléze aby správně
Accessible Web Animation: The WCAG on Animation Explained
It’s true, web animation can be accessible! Sometimes it just takes a little extra effort to make sure that it is. There are strategic things we can do to make sure our animations have a positive impact on accessibility, like planning how they contribute to the overall UX and ease of use of...
Vue 3
It’s out! Congrats to the Vue team for getting it done, I know it was a massive effort and a long time coming. All new docs, as well.
I like it’s still a priority that Vue can be used with just a <script tag with no build process at all. But it’s ready for build processes...