
Nalezeno "setting": 306

G20 Considers 10 Rules for Regulation of Stablecoins Like Facebook Libra

The G20 is setting rules to regulate stablecoins such as Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency. Responding to a call by the G20, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) has provided 10 “high-level” recommendations that establish a regulatory framework for stablecoins. Also read:...

A Complete Guide to calc() in CSS

CSS has a special calc() function for doing basic math. Here's an example: .main-content { /* Subtract 80px from 100vh */ height: calc(100vh - 80px); } In this guide, let's cover just about everything there is to know about this very useful function. calc() is for values The only place you...

Use a:visited in your CSS stylesheet

Evert Pot: Unfortunately, when setting a new color (e.g. a { color: #44F }) the ‘purple visited link’ feature also gets disabled. I think this is a shame, as there’s so many instances where you’re going through a list of links and want to see what you’ve seen before. The 2 examples I ran into...

Geoff’s Redesign Posts

I love it when people redesign "in the open" and write about it. I'd just like to shout out to our own Geoff who has been doing this for 3 months now. He started in late December last year. He's been sharing stuff like his dev tooling choices, considering performance, considering accessibility...

Set Type on a Circle… with offset-path

Here's some legit CSS trickery from yuanchuan. There is this CSS property offset-path. Once upon a time, it was called motion-path and then it was renamed. I sort of rolled my eyes at the time, because the property is so obviously for animating things along a path. But you don't have to use it...

CSS-Only Carousel

It's kind of amazing how far HTML and CSS will take you when building a carousel/slideshow. Setting some boxes in a horizontal row with flexbox is easy. Showing only one box at a time with overflow and making it swipable with -webkit-overflow-scrolling is easy. You can make the "slides" line...

Is it better to use ems/rems than px for font-size?

The answer used to be absolutely yes because, if you used px units, you prevented the text from being resized by the user at all. But browser zoom is the default method for making everything bigger (including text) these days and it works great even if you use px. But... Kathleen McMahon really...

2019 Year in Review

The beginning of every year starts out with all of us setting ambitious goals — goals being personal and professional. Many of us rarely complete half of those goals, most abandoning them by the end of the year. In January of this year I published my list of goals for the year. Let’s...

Web Scraping Made Simple With Zenscrape

Web scraping has always been taken care of by actual developers, since a lot of coding, proxy management and CAPTCHA-solving is involved. However, the scraped data is very often needed by people that are non-coders: Marketers, Analysts, Business Developers etc. Zenscrape is an easy-to-use...

It’s my job, and yours.

The role of ethics in our modern web space has been on my mind for the past few years and I suspect it will occupy my thoughts increasingly as I move forward. With each encounter of a questionable feature or setting on a website, I can't help but think of all of the people involved and...

Iranian Grid Explains Electrical Costs Will Fluctuate for Bitcoin Miners

Throughout the course of 2019, Iran’s government and the country’s energy officials have been creating new guidelines for bitcoin miners setting up data facilities in the oil-rich nation. On Wednesday, Mostafa Rajabi, a spokesperson for Iran’s Energy Ministry, described a...

Some Things You Oughta Know When Working with Viewport Units

David Chanin has a quickie article summarizing a problem with setting an element's height to 100vh in mobile browsers and then also positioning something on the bottom of that. Summarized in this graphic: The trouble is that Chrome isn't taking the address bar (browser chrome) into account when...

Bakkt Announces Bitcoin Options After Record-Breaking Futures Volumes

On October 23, Bakkt’s physically-settled bitcoin futures contracts touched an all-time high with 640 BTC ($4.8 million) swapped on the exchange. Coincidentally, the futures action started after BTC prices plummeted to $7,365 across global exchanges. After the record-setting day, Bakkt...

Running Bitcoin Cash: An Introduction to Operating a Full Node

Setting up a Bitcoin Cash node is a fairly easy task for someone who wants to contribute to the decentralized ecosystem. There are various ways you can run a node whether it’s on a cloud, on a local machine or by leveraging a small single-board computer. The following is a simple introduction...


Every once in a while I stumble upon an API or browser setting that I can’t believe ever existed. Such examples can be seen in the numerous String.prototype properties such as bold, italics, and even blink, which wrap given string text in their representative HTML tags. Bizarre. It...

Bitcoin Cash City Conference Success Wrap-Up

So many firsts from the Bitcoin Cash City Conference – what a huge success and a proud feather in the cap of North Queensland. As the largest cryptocurrency conference ever held in Australia, Townsville situated in sunny North Queensland worked its magic, fielding a beautiful setting, turned...

Two Browsers Walked Into a Scrollbar

Surprise: scrollbars are complicated, especially cross-browser and cross-platform. Sometimes they take up space and sometimes they don't. Sometimes that is affected by a setting and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes you can see them and sometimes you can't unless you're actually scrolling. Styling...

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