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Inspirational Websites Roundup #20

Our favorite website designs that we've collected over the past couple of weeks for your inspiration. The post Inspirational Websites Roundup #20 appeared first on Codrops

Rendering Spectrum

Here are the big categories of rendering websites: Client: ship a <div id="root"></div> and let a JavaScript template render all of it. Static: pre-render all the HTML. Server: let a live server process requests and generate the HTML response. They are not mutually exclusive....

CSS Background Patterns

Nice little tool from Jim Raptis: CSS Background Patterns. A bunch of easy-to-customize and copy-and-paste backgrounds that use hard stop CSS gradients to make classy patterns. Not quite as flexible as SVG backgrounds, but just as lightweight. Like this: CodePen Embed Fallback Speaking of cool...

Logical layout enhancements with flow-relative shorthands

Admission: I’ve never worked on a website that was in anything other than English. I have worked on websites that were translated by other teams, but I didn’t have much to do with it. I do, however, spend a lot of time thinking in terms of block-level and inline-level elements....

How Film School Helped Me Make Better User Experiences

Recently, I finished a sixty-day sprint where I posted hand-coded zombie themed CSS animation every day. I learned a lot, but it also took me back to film school and reminded me of so many things I learned about storytelling, cinematography, and art. Turns out that much of what I learned back then... Enables Crypto-Payments on Popular E-Commerce Websites

PRESS RELEASE. The adoption of crypto is not possible without accelerating its usage as a currency, and not only as an asset. While e-commerce giants such as Amazon, eBay, and Walmart aren’t able to offer crypto-payment, launches a gateway to make purchases from the aforementioned...

Libraries for SVG Drawing Animations

In 2013, Jake Archibald introduced this cool trick of animating an SVG path to look like it’s drawing itself. It’s 2020 now, and the trick is still popular. I’ve seen it on a lot of websites I’ve visited recently. I, too, feature an animated SVG loader on my website using one of the libraries I’ll...

How to Create a Commenting Engine with Next.js and Sanity

One of the arguments against the Jamstack approach for building websites is that developing features gets complex and often requires a number of other services. Take commenting, for example. To set up commenting for a Jamstack site, you often need a third-party solution such as Disqus, Facebook,...

How to Animate the Details Element Using WAAPI

Animating accordions in JavaScript has been one of the most asked animations on websites. Fun fact: jQuery’s slideDown() function was already available in the first version in 2011. In this article, we will see how you can animate the native <details> element using the Web Animations...

Websites We Like: Whimsical

Whimsical is an app that lets you create flowcharts, wireframes, and mind maps but it was only earlier today that I spotted just how great the website is — especially the product pages. Check out this page where they describe how to use the Mind Maps feature where you can use the product right...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #19

A new roundup of our favorite inspirational websites that stand out in design and creative interactivity. The post Inspirational Websites Roundup #19 appeared first on Codrops

Comparing Styling Methods in 2020

Over on Smashing, Adebiyi Adedotun Lukman covers all these styling methods. It’s in the context of Next.js, which is somewhat important as Next.js has some specific ways you work with these tools, is React and, thus, is a components-based architecture. But the styling methods talked about...

Let’s Create Our Own Authentication API with Nodejs and GraphQL

Authentication is one of the most challenging tasks for developers just starting with GraphQL. There are a lot of technical considerations, including what ORM would be easy to set up, how to generate secure tokens and hash passwords, and even what HTTP library to use and how to use it.  In...

How to Make an Unobtrusive Scroll-to-Top Button

A button to return to the top of the page allows the user to quickly return to the top of the page without making too much effort. This can be very useful when the page has a lot of content or which happens, for example, on one page websites, when infinite scrolling is used, or on mobile devices...

Crypto Exchange Binance Blacklisted by Russia’s Telecom Censorship Agency

Russia’s telecom regulator Roskomnadzor has added Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange, to the list of blacklisted websites in the country. The exchange was blacklisted on June 2, 2020, but Binance became aware of this only on September 24th, after receiving communication from...

Thinking About Power Usage and Websites

Gerry McGovern asked if I had any insight into energy consumption and websites. He has a book, after all, about the digital costs on the planet. He was wondering about the specifics of web tech, like… If you do this in HTML it will consume 3× energy but if you do it in JavaScript it will...

Vital Web Performance

I hate slow websites. They are annoying to use and frustrating to work on. But what does it mean to be “slow”? It used to be waiting for document load. Then waiting for page ready. But with so many asynchronous patterns in use today, how do we even define what “slow” is? The W3C has […] The...

Menu Reveal By Page Rotate Animation

There are many different approaches to menus on websites. Some menus are persistent, always in view and display all the options. Other menus are hidden by design and need to be opened to view the options. And there are even additional approaches on how hidden menus reveal their menu items. Some...

Beyond Media Queries: Using Newer HTML & CSS Features for Responsive Designs

Beyond using media queries and modern CSS layouts, like flexbox and grid, to create responsive websites, there are certain overlooked things we can do well to make responsive sites. In this article, we’ll dig into a number tools (revolving around HTML and CSS) we have at the ready, from responsive...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace