Bitcoin Startup Lolli Looks to Global Expansion With Partnership
The bitcoin rewards app Lolli is going global in 2019, starting with the travel industry
Swiss Central Banker ‘Relaxed’ About Facebook’s Libra Crypto
A Swiss central banker has suggested that Facebook's cryptocurrency project, Libra, is not ruffling any feathers with the regulator, Reuters reports.
Pot Startup Uses the Blockchain to Smoke Out Weed Strains
TheraCann and StrainSecure have teamed up to turn pot DNA into intellectual property
Wanxiang City Partners With PlatON, a Blockchain Privacy Startup, To Build Tracking Infrastructure
China will build a blockchain-managed live-work district in Hangzhou
G7 Forming Task Force in Response Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency
France is setting up a task force within the Group of Seven nations to examine regulatory issues raised by Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency
Facebook’s Libra Faces Strong Hostility From US Regulators, Though Europe Has Opened Arms
Facebook’s much-awaited cryptocurrency Libra had launched just a couple of days ago, and within these 2-3 days, the world is all gaga over it. It has managed to get every person who knows about cryptocurrencies, talking about it. However, regulators around the globe seem to be at a tussle with...
Build a Low Latency, Globally Distributed Python App using Macrometa's Geo-Distributed Database Cloud.
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily build a distributed database backend that spans across North America (Los Angeles & Ashburn VA), Europe (Frankfurt) and Asia (M
Live Streaming Startup YouNow Files SEC Filing for Compliant Token Earning for App Users
Live streaming startup YouNow, which created the decentralized video ecosystem Props, has filed a public offering with the U.S. SEC to allow users to compliantly earn tokens
Blockchain Video Startup YouNow Files With SEC to Give Away (Not Sell) Tokens
YouNow has filed an offering circular with the SEC – for a token that it intends to give away
Bitmain’s Nishant Sharma Talks China and Crypto in the Humans of Bitcoin Podcast
This week on the Humans of Bitcoin podcast host Matt Aaron chatted with Bitmain’s Nishant Sharma who shared his story and discussed the western hemisphere’s false impressions of China and Bitcoin. During the interview, Sharma conversed about his work with Bitmain, one of the largest...
Ethereum-Based Decentralized Video Streaming Startup Livepeer Raises $8M
$8 million from institutional investors have been raised in its Series A funding round by Ethereum-based decentralized video streaming startup Livepeer
Facebook’s Libra Faces Immediate Political Hostility From Europe And the United States
Facebook unveiled its much-awaited cryptocurrency Libra, along with its governing body, Libra Foundation. Though there was great excitement among crypto enthusiasts, tech geeks, politicians, and regulators around the western world. While some have called for strict regulations, others have called...
Indian Startup Launches Crypto Trading Strategy Marketplace
An Indian startup has launched a marketplace for algorithmic trading strategies. Investors can choose a strategy based on factors such as past performance, cryptocurrencies invested, and time frames. The platform also offers a drag-and-drop tool for traders to build their own strategies without...
Euroclear, EIB, Santander and EY to Pursue Blockchain Pilot for ECP Settlement
Euroclear, one of the world’s largest securities depositories, says it will push forward with building a pilot blockchain-based platform for the issuance and settlement of ECPs
Ženy ve startupech (22): CzechInvest, Liftago, Genster
Svět startupů, IT a technologií obecně zůstává stále mužskou doménou. A za nás je to velká škoda, protože nejrychleji rostoucí trh si zaslouží ty nejšikovnější lidi. Zhruba polovinu šikovných lidí přitom tvoří právě ženy. Proto jsme se rozhodli představit vám některé z žen, které na současné české...
Co můžou naučit ženy muže v byznysu a předat ostatním ženám
Startup Grind Praha hostoval v rámci #SGWomen Leaders Month (měsíce žen) událost se čtyřmi úspěšnými ženami z globální byznys sféry – Devi Clark, programovou ředitelku z Impact Hubu King’s Cross v Lodýně, Kim Najman, CMO a spoluzakladatelku startupu Travel A la Carte, Andreu...
Český proptech startup Sharry Europe získal desítky milionů od Behamia Venture Capital
Společnost Sharry Europe získala investici v řádu desítek milionů korun od fondu Bohemia Venture Capital. Hlavním produktem středoevropské PropTech firmy se sídlem v Praze je software Sharry Workplace, který chytře propojuje různé technologie v administrativní budově. Sharry Europe již realizovalo...
[aktualita] Miliardář Krsek investuje desítky milionů do českého proptechu Sharry Europe
Miliardář Tomáš Krsek, který je známý především díky svému působení ve Škoda Transportation, před časem rozjel investiční fond Bohemia Venture Capital (BVC), skrze který investuje do startupů. Miliony vložil například do chatbotů Feedyou či Yieldigo a nově je to pražský projekt Sharry Europe....
Infografika: Jak roste potravinářský startup Heaven Labs a jeho revoluční jídlo Mana
Společnost Heaven Labs je příkladem úspěšné české startupové firmy s technologicko potravinářským zaměřením. Zakladatel Jakub Krejčík se společníky vymysleli v roce 2014 jídlo v prášku nazvané po biblickém pokrmu Mana. Unikátní funkční strava podle svých tvůrců dodá tělu přesně to, co potřebuje –...
Smart Contract Startup Tapped By Google As Blockchain Partner
14.6.2019, a middleware supplier that melds traditional computing tools with dApps, has partnered with Google to get big data onto the blockchain