WDRL — Edition 223: Bringing People Together by Strategy, CSSTOM, Security Training And Returning Early
While this edition took a few more days than usual, I hope you all had a nice weekend and could recover your strength for your work. These days it is one of the biggest challenges for people to think long-term. In a world where we live with devices that last a few months, or few years, where...
Incapsula Web Application Firewall (Sponsored)
When I speak with people who have interviewed for front-end jobs at cryptocurrency exchanges, they always tell me how surprised they are that a majority of the interview questions are security-centric. Basic front-end security practices are fair game for all front-end developer interviews...
Inovace jsou kolektivní proces, nic jako individuální génius neexistuje, říká zakladatel Direct People Petr Šídlo
Inovace pohánějí svět a naše životy kupředu. Kdo dnes nejen v rámci vlastního byznysu nepřichází s inovativními nápady a myšlenkami, nepřežije. Podle Petra Šídla, zakladatele inovační agentury Direct People, ale není téma „jak inovovat“ tak snadné, jak by se na první pohled mohlo zdát....
They Have To Be Monsters
Since I started working on Discourse, I spend a lot of time thinking about how software can encourage and nudge people to be more empathetic online. That's why it's troubling to read articles like this one:
My brother’s 32nd birthday is today. It’s an especially emotional day for
The ride to 5
Forwards In recent weeks I contacted around 40 people, a cross section of those who have banged away at, or banged on about, HTML5. I asked them for their perspectives on HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Below are the words of the 28 people who responded, pretty much in the order they hit...
The ride to 5
Forwards In recent weeks I contacted around 40 people, a cross section of those who have banged away at, or banged on about, HTML5. I asked them for their perspectives on HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Below are the words of the 28 people who responded, pretty much in the order they hit...