
Nalezeno "Google": 3874

Collective #543

JavaScript: The Modern Parts * Ruffle * Pagemap * Mario HTML * Consume less, create more Collective #543 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Google couvá. Ukončení klasických Hangouts se pro firmy odkládá o rok

Google v lednu tohoto roku oznámil časovou osu postupného ukončování jeho starého komunikátoru Hangouts. Prvně se měly dočkat podniky, kdy přechod na novou verzi měl proběhnout již v září. Nyní ale dochází k téměř ročnímu odkladu. Nový termín ukončení podpory starých Hangouts a povinného

Collective #542

GoPablo * useAuth * WebAssembly Interface Types * NuxtPress * The Native File System API Collective #542 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Porovnali chytré asistenty: Google stále vede, Siri a Alexa ale dotahují

Analytici firmy Loup Ventures se podívali na tři nejpopulárnější asistenty –Google, Siri a Alexu – a zkoumali, jak zvládnou odpovídat na jednotlivé dotazy. Stále vede Google, oproti předchozím letům ale konkurence dotahuje. Každému z asistentů výzkumníci položili 800 otázek a sledovali, zda jim

React Slider with Parallax Hover Effects

Walk through the build of a React slider and learn how to implement a parallax hover effect. React Slider with Parallax Hover Effects was written by Ryan Mulligan and published on Codrops

‘Amazon of Japan’ Rakuten Launches Crypto Exchange Service

Rakuten, the “Amazon of Japan,” announced the launch of its new crypto exchange platform Monday, August 19, offering spot trading of crypto assets via a dedicated smartphone app. The e-commerce giant has been crypto-friendly for a while now, experimenting and investing in crypto payment...

Collective #541

Get Waves * StoryTime * MC.JS * Input delay * Variable Font Animation * Divjoy * HeadBanger Collective #541 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

10 Modest yet Compelling Business Cards for Men

What do you expect from business cards for men? I believe the majority of people out there await for a piece of paper with a plain design that looks... The post 10 Modest yet Compelling Business Cards for Men appeared first on Onextrapixel

11 Powerful Business Cards for Women for Your Inspiration

We all fight for gender equality these days. Even Thor has been transformed into Thor Girl. Women around the world are eager to prove that they are capable of... The post 11 Powerful Business Cards for Women for Your Inspiration appeared first on Onextrapixel

Accessibility and web performance are not features, they’re the baseline

This week I’ve been brooding about web performance and accessibility. It all began when Ethan Marcotte made a lot of great notes about the accessibility issues that are common with AMP: In the recordings above, I’m trying to navigate through the AMP Story. And as I do, VoiceOver describes a page...

Awesome Demos Roundup #7

The seventh edition of our monthly demos roundup that will get your creative coding juices flowing. Awesome Demos Roundup #7 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

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