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Midterm Elections 2022: Crypto Live Blog

The U.S. votes for the House and Senate today. Control of the legislature is up for grabs. CoinDesk’s Nikhilesh De, Jesse Hamilton and Cheyenne Ligon will bring you live updates on the crypto market’s reaction and what the results could mean for the industry

Jet - nový PHP8 framework #3 - MVC - ne, fakt to není CMS :-)

V minulém díle jsem „z rychlíku“ ukázal jak co zhruba Jet obnáší. A pochopitelně to vzbudilo reakci, kterou jsem tak trochu očekával. Tedy to co jsem předvedl mohlo budit dojem, že Jet je nějaké CMS. A ne, Jet opravdu není CMS. CMS jsou více či méně zaměřené na určitý účel (a ano, vím, že existují...

A Couple Changes Coming in Chrome 108

“A change to overflow on replaced elements in CSS”: From Chrome 108, the following replaced elements respect the overflow property: img, video and canvas. In earlier versions of Chrome, this property was ignored on these elements. This … A Couple Changes...

Locate Empty Directories from Command Line

As a software engineer that lives too much of his life on a computer, I like keeping my machine as clean as possible. I don’t keep rogue downloaded files and removes apps when I don’t need them. Part of keeping a clean, performant system is removing empty directories. To identify empty...

How to Extend Prototypes with JavaScript

One of the ideological sticking points of the first JavaScript framework was was extending prototypes vs. wrapping functions. Frameworks like MooTools and Prototype extended prototypes while jQuery and other smaller frameworks did not. Each had their benefits, but ultimately all these years later...

C++20: Jak se budí korutiny

Minulý článek vyzněl jako kritika implementace korutin v C++20. To jsem ani nechtěl, naopak si myslím, že je to skvěle vymyšlené z ohledem na užitečnost a vyjadřovací svobodu, kterou to přináší. Problémem je spíš neexistence pravidel a doporučení jak korutiny implementovat. Nositelem takových...

Jet - nový PHP8 framework #2 - Jak se s tím pracuje?

V minulém díle jsem představil svou maličkost a vysvětlil jsem mé pohnutky proč jsem PHP Jet vytvořil a nastínil filozofii toho PHP8 frameworku. V dnešním díle již žádné teoretizování a hurá rovnýma nohama do praxe. Ukažme si způsob práce v PHP Jet na malé aplikaci – databázi restaurací. Ta bude...

How to Use window.crypto in Node.js

I’ve been writing a bunch of jest tests recently for libraries that use the underlying window.crypto methods like getRandomValues() and window.crypto.subtle key management methods. One problem I run into is that the window.crypto object isn’t available, so I need to shim it. To use...

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius with JavaScript

The United States is one of the last bodies that refuses to implement the Celsius temperature standard. Why? Because we’re arrogant and feel like we don’t need to change. With that said, if you code for users outside the US, it’s important to provide localized weather data...

Create a Thumbnail From a Video with ffmpeg

Creating a thumbnail to represent a video is a frequent task when presenting media on a website. I previously created a shell script to create a preview video from a larger video, much like many adult sites provide. Let’s view how we can create a preview thumbnail from a video! Developers...

Detect System Theme Preference Change Using JavaScript

JavaScript and CSS allow users to detect the user theme preference with CSS’ prefers-color-scheme media query. It’s standard these days to use that preference to show the dark or light theme on a given website. But what if the user changes their preference while using your app?...

How to Use Storage in Web Extensions

Working on a web extension is an interesting experience — you get to taste web while working with special extension APIs. One such API is storage — the web extension flavor of persistence. Let’s explore how you can use session and local storage within your Manifest V3...

Jak na korutiny v C++20

Když před cca 2 roky konečně vyšla norma C++ verze 20, těšil jsem se, jako asi každý, jak si ošahám a vyzkouším nové featury, které měly posunout jazyk zase trošku dál do budoucnosti. C++20 přináší podporu korutin, tedy nástroje, který byl doposud spíš výsadou vyšších programovacích jazyků –...

Ethereum Wallet Metamask Adds Bank-to-Crypto Transfers via Sardine

According to a Consensys blog post published on October 11, the Ethereum-based wallet Metamask has added instant bank-to-crypto transfers via the automated clearing house (ACH) settlement merchant Sardine. Metamask Users Can Swap Fiat for Over 30 Crypto Tokens On Tuesday, the crypto firm Consensys...

Skip or Only Run a Test with JavaScript Mocha

Whenever I start to feel anxiety about a big change I’m making, I start writing more unit tests. I’ll write down my fear and then write a test that attacks, and eventually relaxes, that fear. There are two actions that I’ve been frequently using with test writing: skipping all...

Determine Default App for File Type from Command Line

One quality of life improvement any developer can make for themselves is ensuring different file types open in the app they’re most proficient in. If you know me, you know I prefer accomplishing as much as possible from the command line. The duti utility allows users to determine default file...

Set Brave as Default Browser from Command Line

I’ve been a huge fan of the Brave web browser for years. They’re crypto-friendly, provide native ad-blocking features, and even provide Tor integration. Whenever I set up new systems, I automate Brave as the default browser. You can use the following shell command to set Brave as...

Jet - nový PHP8 framework #1 - Proč?

Protože jsem byl pár let tak trochu „zalezlý v díře“, tak bych nejprve rád uvedl kdo jsem. Jmenuji se Mirek Marek a mám za sebou více jak 20 velice zajímavých let praxe v oblasti vývoje online aplikací. Pamatuji si dřevní pionýrské časy a jsem v oboru aktivní do dnes. Jako většina mých vrstevníků...

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