
Nalezeno "Chrome": 451

Zero hands up.

Asked an entire room full of webdevs yesterday if any of them knew that FF/Chrome/Opera/Brave/etc. for iOS weren't allowed to compete on engine quality. Zero hands up. — Alex Russell (@slightlylate) September 25, 2019 It's worth making this clear then. On iOS, the only browser engine...

What happens when you open a new install of browsers for the 1st time?

Interesting research from Jonathan Sampson, where he watches the network requests a browser makes the very first time you launch it on a fresh install, and otherwise do nothing. This gives you a little insight into what kind of information that browser wants to collect and disseminate. This...

Browser Engine Diversity

We lost Opera when they went Chrome in 2013. Same deal with Edge when it also went Chrome earlier this year. Mike Taylor called these changes a "Decreasingly Diverse Browser Engine World" in a talk I'd like to see. So all we've got left is Chrome-stuff, Firefox-stuff, and Safari-stuff. Chrome...

UX Considerations for Web Sharing

From trashy clickbait sites to the most august of publications, share buttons have long been ubiquitous across the web. And yet it is arguable that these buttons aren’t needed. All mobile browsers — Firefox, Edge, Safari, Chrome, Opera Mini, UC Browser, Samsung Internet — make it easy to share...

Nový Chrome 77 umí snadno poslat webové stránky na další zařízení

Google vydal novou verzi svého prohlížeče Chrome s pořadovým číslem 77. Novinek, jako vždy, není mnoho, nově je ale možné nechat si poslat odkaz na webovou stránku z jednoho prohlížeče na druhý. Novinka je dostupná v rámci kontextového menu po kliknutí na záložku či kdekoliv na webové

10 Useful Browser Plugins to Help Crypto Users

There are many different browser extensions or plugins that benefit cryptocurrency users, ranging from price trackers and wallets to those that help crypto users with security and privacy. has produced a video, listing 10 of the most useful browser extensions with explanations of...

Chrome se naučí upozorňovat, když vaše heslo unikne na internet

Chrome od Googlu obsahuje integrovaného správce hesel již dlouho, nyní se al chystá užitečná novinka. Prohlížeč by vás nově měl upozornit, když některé z vašich hesel unikne na internet. Kontrolu úniků hesel aktuálně Google testuje v rámci Canary buildu, tedy velmi rané testovací verze

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