
Nalezeno "Food": 340

Labeyrie, Gruppo Grigi Decide to Join Hands With IBM Food Trust

Leading French premium foods organization Labeyrie and Italy’s Gruppo Grigi have decided to join hands with IBM Food Trust for the purpose of blockchain traceability, claims IBM today. Labeyrie seeks to use the vital platform for monitoring its Norwegian smoked salmon products beginning from today...

IBM and Coop to Use Blockchain Technology for Monitoring Food Supply Chain

Coop and IBM began their partnership one year ago and announced the result of their alliance today with the introduction of “Call of Ideas.” Call of Ideas has been dedicated to the blockchain application technology, food chain, and specifically to the production of Made in Italy brand eggs....

Skeuomorphism is Still Alive – Examples of Food Websites

There are many good examples of food websites. From goliaths of the industry such as Starbucks or Coca-Cola to less-known local bistros, we can stumble upon stunning restaurant branding... The post Skeuomorphism is Still Alive – Examples of Food Websites appeared first on Onextrapixel

Food, Shelter and Clothing: Bitcoin Cash Charities Making a Global Impact

Eatbch, the unique charity movement providing assistance in the form of community-delivered meals fueled by Bitcoin Cash, continues to serve Venezuela and South Sudan, and is now expanding its connections. The South Sudan Eatbch group just announced they are working with local activists to help...

[aktualita] Rohlí koupí část řetězce My Food

Společnost Velká pecka, která provozuje internetový potravinový e-shop Rohlí, kupuje My Food Wholesales, společnost patřící do velkoobchodního řetězce My Food, který pro změnu patří pod řetězec Sklizeno, informovala o tom dnes ČTK. Spojení obou subjektů musí ještě schválit Úřad pro ochranu...

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