
Nalezeno "Jones": 300

$30M Bitcoin Cash ‘SIM Hack’ Sparks Wild Crypto Tales With Vague Sources

On February 21, the crypto Twitter commentator Dovey Wan published a series of tweets about an alleged SIM card hack that purportedly saw the loss of $30 million in bitcoin cash. The story stemmed from a Reddit post that’s now deleted and so far no one has provided any verifiable proof from...

Crypto Assets Outshine Most Traditional Investments in 2019

Last year, cryptocurrency proponents either complained about the low prices or celebrated the fact they could obtain cheaper coins. 2019 has been an entirely different story, however, as digital assets have started to gain significant value in comparison to traditional assets like stocks, oil,...

Malý obrněnec z Utahu je jediný dinosaurus objevený díky radioaktivitě

Dinosaurus Animantarx ramaljonesi není ani příliš známý, ani dobře prozkoumaný tvor, má ovšem na své straně jiné výhody: do vínku dostal působivé jméno a unikátní způsob, jak byl pro vědu objeven. Další články k tématu:Proč zrovna tam? Stačilo málo a dinosauři unikli záhuběJak legenda pomohla...

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