
Nalezeno "Perfect Crowd": 289

TheWestTour: Ice, Products, and 2G

“Do people speak English in Africa?”, “Do high school students have access to smartphones and computers?” These series of challenging questions made me know I was amongst the right crowd and the lo

Perfect Image Optimization for Mobile with Optimole

(This is a sponsored post.) In 2015 there were 24,000 different Android devices, and each of them was capable of downloading images. And this was just the beginning. The mobile era is starting to gather pace with mobile visitors starting to eclipse desktop. One thing is certain, building...

Would You Watch a Documentary Walking Through Codebases?

This resonated pretty strongly with people: I’d watch a documentary series of developers giving a tour of their codebases. — Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) January 6, 2019 I think I was watching some random Netflix documentary and daydreaming that the subject was actually something I was super...

Three Questions to Ask of Every Bug You Encounter

Bugs. Errors. Exceptions. Problems. Issues. Whatever you call them in the moment, bugs are deeply associated with failure. Specifically, our own failure to write perfect code. These “failures” can

Create the Google Button Effect with CSS

I always found Google’s branding simple but grew to realize that was the beauty in their design; there’s something about “just enough” that is the perfect balance between bland and over the top.  GMail’s design grew old over the years and Google just got around...

Building a RSS Viewer With Vue: Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of this mini-series on building a RSS viewer with Vue. In the last post, I walked through how I built my demo using Vue.js and Vuetify on the front end and Webtask on the back end. When I built that initial version, I knew it was exactly thatmdash;an "initial" version. I took some...

Here’s the thing about “unused CSS” tools

There are a lot of tools that aim to help you remove "unused CSS" from your project. Never a week goes by that I don't see a tool for this being shared or promoted. It must strike some kind of perfect chord for some developers. I care about performance, and I know that reducing file sizes is good...

Custom List Number Styling

How about a classic CSS trick! This isn't even so tricky anymore, since CSS has counter-increment and counter-reset and such that is perfect for this. I just wanted to make sure you knew how it works and had some easy-to-copy examples at the ready. Let's say all you wanna do is style the dang...

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