
Nalezeno "api": 495

Building Serverless GraphQL API in Node with Express and Netlify

I’ve always wanted to build an API, but was scared away by just how complicated things looked. I’d read a lot of tutorials that start with “first, install this library and this library and this library” without explaining why that was important. I’m kind of a Luddite when it comes to these...

Get Worldwide Postal Code Data with Zip Code API (Sponsored)

Accurate shipping and location information is well worth the price you need to pay for it. You can sell that information, you can target consumers to perfection, and save yourself loads of frustration when it comes to shipping. Creating your own location API isn’t worth the time — there...

Easing Animations in Canvas

The <canvas> element in HTML and Canvas API in JavaScript combine to form one of the main raster graphics and animation possibilities on the web. A common canvas use-case is programmatically generating images for websites, particularly games. That’s exactly what I’ve done in a website...

Stay DRY Using axios for API Requests

HTTP requests are a crucial part of any web application that’s communicating with a back-end server. The front end needs some data, so it asks for it via a network HTTP request (or Ajax, as it tends to be called), and the server returns an answer. Almost every website these days does this in some...

Everything You Need to Know About FLIP Animations in React

With a very recent Safari update, Web Animations API (WAAPI) is now supported without a flag in all modern browsers (except IE).  Here’s a handy Pen where you can check which features your browser supports. The WAAPI is a nice way to do animation (that needs to be done in JavaScript) because...

Bitcoin News Roundup for May 27, 2020

While the yuan weakens against the U.S. dollar, Coinbase makes an acquisition to grow its institutional trading infrastructure. It's another episode of CoinDesk's the Markets Daily podcast

How to Convert a Date String into a Human-Readable Format

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m writing this article, in part, because it’s something I look up often and want to be able to find it next time. Formatting a date string that you get from an API in JavaScript can take many shapes — anything from loading all of Moment.js to have...

WTF is a Static API

Just like there is a movement to make more websites (and more of websites) from pre-rendered static files (Jamstack), so to might we consider moving content-based APIs to be static. Sean C Davis: A static API is simply a collection of flat JSON files that live on a content delivery...

Pseudo-elements in the Web Animations API

To use the Web Animations API (e.g. el.animate()) you need a reference to a DOM element to target. So, how do you use it on pseudo-elements, which don’t really offer a direct reference? Dan Wilson covers a (newish?) part of the API itself: const logo...

CSS Animation Timelines: Building a Rube Goldberg Machine

If you’re going to build a multi-step CSS animation or transition, you have a particular conundrum. The second step needs a delay that is equal to the duration of the first step. And the third step is equal to the duration of the first two steps, plus any delay in between. It gets more...

Static or Not?

A quick opinion piece by Kev Quirk: Why I Don’t Use A Static Site Generator. Kev uses WordPress: Want to blog on my iPad? I can. Want to do it on my phone? No problem. On a machine I don’t normally use? Not an issue, as long as it has a browser. First, it’s worth understanding...


The @property is totally new to me, but I see it’s headed to Chrome, so I suppose it’s good to know about! There is a draft spec and an “intent to ship” document. The code from that document shows: @property --my-property { syntax: "<color"; initial-value: green; ...

Innovating on Web Monetization: Coil and Firefox Reality

I still think Coil is cool. I have it installed on CSS-Tricks as a publisher and money trickles in. I have a paid account and I trickle out money to other sites that use it. I wrote about all that last year. This’ll explode to something huge if we actually get the Web Monetization API stuff....

Rethinking Twitter as a Serverless App

In a previous article, we showed how to build a GraphQL API with FaunaDB. We’ve also written a series of articles [1, 2, 3, 4] explaining how traditional databases built for global scalability have to adopt eventual (vs. strong) consistency, and/or make compromises on relations and indexing...

How the Vue Composition API Replaces Vue Mixins

Looking to share code between your Vue components? If you’re familiar with Vue 2, you’ve probably used a mixin for this purpose. But the new Composition API, which is available now as a plugin for Vue 2 and an upcoming feature of Vue 3, provides a much better solution. In this article...

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