
Nalezeno "climate": 302

Climate Change: Looking Towards a blockchain-based Solution?

Climate change is arguably the defining issue of our times. Secretary-General Antònio Guterres recently labeled it the first of four biblical ‘horsemen’ that threatened our world. A UN Climate report released in 2018 stated absolutely that the global community has 12 years to correct our behavior...

Bitcoin Cash Acceptance and Community Growth Ramp Up

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) adoption continues this week as there’s been a slew of announcements associated with BCH acceptance and activism. For instance, a massive electronic billboard in the middle of Tokyo displayed a huge BCH symbol indicating that Japan’s largest luxury watch and jewelry...

Greta Thunberg Joins Satoshi in Questioning Bank Bailouts

Saving planet Earth is a noble goal with many different dimensions. Climate change needs to be addressed vigorously as our world warms up faster than ever. Economic development needs a higher degree of financial freedom to provide everyone access to opportunities and wealth. A teenager from...

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