Podívejte se, jak u nás Covid-19 zabíjí. Statistický úřad vydal nezpochybnitelný graf
Český statistický úřad vydal data o počtu zemřelých v období do 45. týdne tohoto roku, tedy do 8. listopadu. A je na nich velmi výrazně vidět vliv příchodu druhé vlny koronaviru. V průběhu října počet mrtvých dramaticky rostl téměř až na dvojnásobek běžného průměru v uplynulých letech.
The Great Reset Agenda: ‘Bitcoin Is a Decentralized and Rational Strategy to Opt-Out’
Every single day the conversation about the Great Reset continues to amplify. More recently, mainstream media publications have been publishing rebuttals in response to the many skeptics of this agenda who believe the reboot propaganda is meant to install a new world order. The American broadcaster...
Výbor externích poradců FDA doporučil vakcínu od Pfizeru proti COVID-19 k nouzovému použití v USA
Americké regulační orgány potvrdily, že účinnost vakcíny proti COVID-19 od Pfizer/BioNTech Covid činí 95 %. Výbor externích poradců Food and Drug Administration (FDA) již doporučil její schválení k nouzovému použití v USA, neboť výhody podle něj převažují nad možnými riziky.
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Report: Japanese Pokémon's Voice Actress Alleged Involved In Covid-19 Relief Scam
According to Japanese publication Friday, voice actress Rika Matsumoto is under fire for alleged suspicious acts regarding the Japanese government’s covid-19 relief.Read more
Record $15 Billion Worth of Cryptos Under Management After Institutional Investors Pump $429 Million in One Week
A new report says institutional investors pumped $429 million into cryptos and cryptocurrency funds in the week ending December 7. The figure, which is the second-highest on record, pushes to the total value of digital assets under management (AUM) to an all-time peak of $15 billion. The largest...
Blockchain-Based Immunity Passports Don’t Resolve Core Privacy Issues: Report
Proposals for immunity or vaccine passes have resurfaced with promising news about vaccines, but the web standards they’re based on contain flaws
2020’s Crypto Performances: The Biggest Token Losers and This Year’s Top-Performing Cryptocurrencies
Digital currency markets have climbed significantly in value all year long, despite the gloomy global economy and the aftermath of Covid-19 responses. Bitcoin prices have been hovering at values not seen since 2017, and the top crypto asset in terms of market cap has gained a whopping 159% since...
[aktualita] NetMonitor: COVID-19 zvýšil návštěvnost e-shopů, Black Friday nevybočoval z průměru
Protipandemická opatření listopadu se podle NetMonitoru promítla do nákupních trendů. Uvedly to Sdružení pro internetový rozvoj (SPIR) a agentura Gemius. Kvůli uzavírce kamenných prodejen se v listopadu oproti říjnu zvýšila návštěvnost webů v kategorii E-commerce – prodej, a to hlavně...
Velká Británie schválila vakcínu proti COVID-19 od Pfizeru, ostatní země kritizují unáhlené rozhodnutí
Po desetidenním přezkumu schválily britské regulační úřady vakcínu proti COVID-19 vyvinutou americkou farmaceutickou firmou Pfizer ve spolupráci s německým BioNTechem. Velká Británie se tak stala první zemí, která dala tomuto přípravku zelenou.
Vakcínu aktuálně posuzují i další regulátoři po
Financial Analysts Expect US Dollar to Soften Further, 2021 Could Be the Greenback’s ‘Worst Year Ever’
Well before the coronavirus pandemic, global economists expected a grim-looking American economy and during the last ten months of the Covid-19 outbreak, the U.S. financial system looks even worse. Economists and analysts say the biggest concern is the U.S. dollar faltering into the unknown, as...
Catching Covid-19 Sucked, Though Video Games Helped
Some call it a hoax. Others say it’s no worse than the common cold. But make no mistake: the covid-19 pandemic is very, very real. If you don’t believe the mountain of scientific literature, the army of medical professionals, the frontline reporting from countless reputable sources, the firsthand...
Historian Niall Ferguson Says Bitcoin Is Winning the Covid-19 Monetary Revolution
Historian and senior fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Niall Ferguson says bitcoin is winning the Covid-19 monetary revolution. Hailing the virtual currency as a great place for the rich to store their wealth, Ferguson also notes that the bitcoin’s resilience...
Gold Sees Largest Weekly Outflow Ever, Metal Prices Spiral Lower, Analysts Expect Flows Into Bitcoin
Gold investors are getting anxious, as the precious metal’s prices have slid a great deal since a number of vaccine companies have revealed medicines to combat the coronavirus. The price of one ounce of fine gold is valued at $1,770 per unit after the precious metal registered the third...
Fighting Definancialization: Cryptologic Methods Like Bitcoin Could Protect Wealth From the Great Reset
The Great Reset agenda is trending once again on social media, numerous news outlets, and a variety of online forums. During the last few months, the Great Reset proposal has been pushed worldwide, as it allegedly seeks to create a sustainable economy following the coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile...
Better than DeFi: SINOVATE’s New Infinity Nodes Provide Up to 130% Returns
SINOVATE’s Incorruptible Data Storage (IDS) dCloud network is providing game-changing decentralised cloud storage to the market – and to do that, the network needs reliable, distributed hardware and dedicated servers which will provide it with the stability and longevity needed to...
EURST Stablecoin – Reinvention of the European Economy
Over the years, we have been introduced to a digital transformation, which has created and shaped communities around the world. Digital technologies have introduced newly evolved ways of how the world interacts, operates, and most of all, conducts exchanges. In the current economic hardship and...
Závod o vakcínu proti COVID-19: seznamte se se dvanácti nejnadějnějšími kandidáty
Desítky farmaceutických firem vyvíjejí vakcínu proti koronaviru • Hledali a našli jsme dvanáct nejnadějnějších kandidátů • Kteří kandidáti jsou nejdál a které vakcíny jsou schválené?
What I’m Thankful For: 2020
My parents loathe when I use poor language but luckily they don’t read this blog so I’ll just be blunt: 2020 has been an absolute shit show. COVID-19 has been a world-wide source of devastation to lives, jobs, and our quality of life. That said, I’ve found myself feeling...
Christine Lagarde: ‘The European Central Bank Cannot Go Bankrupt or Run Out of Money’
In remarks that highlight flaws of the fiat currency system, the European Central Bank (ECB) president, Christine Lagarde, says the institution cannot go bankrupt even if it incurs losses running into trillions. According to Lagarde, normal bankruptcy rules do not apply to the ECB primarily because...
End of Western Union Remittance Service to Cuba a Boon for Crypto
As new U.S. government measures that impose restrictions on remittances to Cuba becomes effective after November 22, Western Union, which has been operating in the island nation since 1999, will close shop. The new rule, which was published on October 27, gave Western Union 30 days to implement...