Draggable Image Strip
A draggable image strip layout with a content preview powered by Draggabilly and TweenMax.
Draggable Image Strip was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
What to Expect at the SEC’s Blockchain Forum on Friday
At a fraught moment for government-industry relations, the SEC and crypto insiders are sitting down for a meeting
Animated Image Columns
An experimental web layout where several image columns get animated out when a menu item is clicked.
Animated Image Columns was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Autoři Borderlands 3 dělají spoustu přešlapů, přesto je proč se těšit
O tom, že se chystá pokračování kultovní střílečky Borderlands, se už mluví roky, teprve minulý měsíc jsme to však dostali oficiálně. A i když studio Gearbox od té doby dokázalo spoustu lidí naštvat, stejně je mnoho důvodů, proč se na hru těšit.Další články k tématu:Hráčům se nelíbí exkluzivita...
Edge Goes Chromium: What Does it Mean for Front-End Developers?
In December 2018, Microsoft announced that Edge would adopt Chromium, the open source project that powers Google Chrome. Many within the industry reacted with sadness at the loss of browser diversity. Personally, I was jubilant. An official release date has yet to be announced, but it will be...
AI-Based Video Preview from Cloudinary (Sponsored)
The early days of video on the web weren’t great. We started with custom browser plugins and codecs, then moved to Flash, and eventually we found our way HTML <video>. Once we solved the technology problem, we started using more video for content and advertising. The next problem...
World wide wrist
After all the hubbub with WWDC over the past couple of days, Ethan Marcotte is excited about the news that the Apple Watch will be able to view web content.
He writes:
If I had to guess, I’d imagine some sort of “reader mode” is coming to the Watch: in other words, when you open a link on your...
Grid Layout with Motion Hover Effect and Content Preview
A retro-style grid layout with a playful motion hover effect on the grid items. When clicking on a grid item, a content preview opens.
Grid Layout with Motion Hover Effect and Content Preview was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Build an Amazon-Like Product Preview App using Vue.js
If you have ever used online stores like Amazon or eBay, you have definitely used the preview feature. It shows you images or videos of the product so you know what to expect before making a purcha