
Nalezeno "Web3": 4721

How to Use a DAO to Build a Web3 Community

The community-based projects could become one of the biggest growth engines in the Web3 space, but more agile governance structures may need to be put in place to unleash their full potential

Google Cloud to Become Tezos Validator and Offer Validation Services

Google Cloud, the remote services division of the software giant, has announced a partnership with blockchain company Tezos to become a block validator (“baker”) in its network. As part of this partnership, Google Cloud will also offer Tezos validation services through its platform...

Tencent to Offer Metaverse-Building Services for Asian Markets

Tencent, the Chinese software and tech company, has announced its metaverse suite of services designed to target Asian markets. The company revealed that it will revamp its media offering with its new “metaverse-in-a-box” proposal, which aims to facilitate the task of building virtual...

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