Microsoft si patentoval chytrý repráček. Vypadá jako Google Home Mini
Když Microsoft před lety představil svoji chytrou asistentku Cortana, mnozí očekávali, že záhy poté ukáže i vlastní chytrý reproduktor po vzoru Amazon Echo a Google Home. Nestalo se tak a firma postupně přehodnotila i samotnou strategii Cortany, kterou chce přetavit spíše v B2B
Privacy Network Elixxir Invites Smartphone Users to Test Private Messaging
In an age where Google, Facebook and the NSA are known to be harvesting as much as our communications as they can, many people are concerned that online privacy now only exists in the history books. One project trying to address this is the metadata-shredding platform Elixxir, led by cypherpunk...
[aktualita] Seznam spouští podporu CarPlay pro Android Auto blokuje Google
Seznam začal testovat službu v rámci automobilového systému CarPlay od Applu. Ten české společnosti po několika měsících zkušební provoz schválil. Vše prozatím funguje v režimu beta verze, do kterého se mohou zapojit všichni zájemci. K tomu je třeba si do iOS stáhnout aplikaci TestFlight a...
Decentralized Brave Browser Tops Chrome in Google Play Rankings in Japan
Decentralized web browser Brave ranks higher than major browsers like Chrome and Firefox by Google Play ranking in Japan
Collective #547
How Video Games Inspire Great UX * js-noisy-gradient * PowerToys * SVG to JSX * Google Engineering Practices Documentation
Collective #547 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
How to Create a Webcam Audio Visualizer with Three.js
A tutorial on how to create a Three.js powered audio visualizer that takes input from the user's webcam.
How to Create a Webcam Audio Visualizer with Three.js was written by Ryota Takemoto and published on Codrops
Inspirational Websites Roundup #8
Another set of inspirational website designs from the previous month to bring you up to date on the current design trends.
Inspirational Websites Roundup #8 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Collective #546
Ackee * Webpack Boilerplate * O-GL * Email Love * Bitmelo * Overflow And Data Loss In CSS
Collective #546 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
[aktualita] Američané chystají nové vyšetřování Google
Spojené státy chystají nové vyšetřování Google kvůli možnému porušování antimonopolních pravidel, na přípravě vyšetřování se podílejí generální prokurátoři z více jak tří desítek členských států USA, tedy více jak polovina všech generálních prokurátorů v zemi. Vyšetřování se má také zabývat...
A Configurator for Creating Custom WebGL Distortion Effects
A configurator for creating unique fullscreen image animations with WebGL distortion effects powered by Three.js.
A Configurator for Creating Custom WebGL Distortion Effects was written by Daniel Velasquez and published on Codrops
Google And Virgin Group backed-firm Blockchain Aims to Raise $50 Million For Startups
Venturing into the world of digital currencies has gained a lot of popularity in recent years with some of the biggest names of the financial world getting associated with this domain. The recent announcement of London-based firm, Blockchain, raising $50 Million for exploring and supporting...
How to Dynamically Change the Colors of Product Images using CSS Blend Mode and SVG
Learn a simple technique for adding a color swap functionality to your product images by creating an SVG and applying a mix-blend-mode to the composition.
How to Dynamically Change the Colors of Product Images using CSS Blend Mode and SVG was written by Kyle Wetton and published on Codrops
John McAfee Responds to Google’s Settlement for FTC YouTube Investigation
In an important recent development, the internet searching joint Google has finally agreed to pay a fine amounting between $150 million and $200 million to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to finally settle the ongoing investigation in the case of an alleged infringement of children’s privacy...
Collective #545
PWA Asset Generator * Leon Sans * Introduction to JavaScript Promises * The Enigma Machine
Collective #545 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Google odebral z vyhledávání obrázků užitečné funkce. Snímek určité velikosti už vám nenajde
Pokud hledáte obrázky prostřednictvím vyhledávače Googlu, máte po zobrazení výsledků k dispozici několik užitečných filtrů. Jejich prostřednictvím je možné zobrazit jen obrázky s určitým typem licence, typu, barvy nebo velikosti. Možnosti posledního zmíněného filtru však byly bez jakékoli publicity
Collective #544
SVG Artista * Optional chaining * Color Palette Generator * Label Studio * Perfect loops in Processing
Collective #544 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Noční režim Night Sight z Google Pixelů je dostupný pro iPhony. Vděčí za to aplikaci NeuralCam Night Photo
Bitmain Chip Supplier Faces Infringement Lawsuits From Competitor
TSMC, the world’s top semiconductor foundry and chip supplier for Bitmain, faces multiple infringement lawsuits from GlobalFoundries
BitTorrent to Begin Alpha Testing Blockchain-Based Streaming Platform
BitTorrent is beginning internal tests for its blockchain-backed streaming platform
Crypto Advertisement Still Unwelcome, How Is the Industry Coping?
Why Google, Facebook and Twitter hold on to bans on crypto advertising, but the severity of it could be changing now