
Nalezeno "google campus warsaw residency": 3978

Collective #537

The Real Dark Web * A Message to GitHub * Truths about digital accessibility * What I Like About Vue Collective #537 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Google rozdá sto tisíc chytrých reproduktorů Home Mini lidem s hendikepem

Chytré reproduktory mají jednu velkou výhodu: lze je ovládat prostřednictvím hlasových pokynů. Mohou tak usnadňovat život lidem se sníženou mobilitou nebo nevidomým. Google se proto nyní spojil s nadací Christophera a Dany Reeveových, která se zaměřuje na pomoc ochrnutým lidem. Učinil tak na

Collective #536

Ciao * Building Beautiful UIs * Poolside FM * Livewire * Liquidfun * Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript Collective #536 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

How Google PageSpeed Works: Improve Your Score and Search Engine Ranking

In this article, we uncover how PageSpeed calculates it’s critical speed score. It’s no secret that speed has become a crucial factor in increasing revenue and lowering abandonment rates. Now that Google uses page speed as a ranking factor, many organizations have become laser-focused...

Collective #535

Multi-column manipulation * Guide to BigInt * Rooki * Fast Software, the Best Software * Index fun Collective #535 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

[aktualita] Balony Google Loon mají za sebou přes milion hodin ve vzduchu

Balóny z projektu Loon za kterým stojí skupina Alphabet mají za sebou již přes milion hodin provozu v zemské stratosféře. Za tuto dobu se balonům podařilo urazit přibližně 40 milionů kilometrů. Balony vypustil Google v rámci projektu Google Loon v polovině června v řídce obydlených oblastech jižní...

Smooth Scrolling Image Effects

A small set of ideas on animating images and other elements while smooth scrolling a page. Smooth Scrolling Image Effects was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

9 Best Email Testing Tools to Preview Your Newsletters

An email campaign is a time-proven way to engage your audience, remind them about your brand, keep them updated, sell your products and services, and establish close relationships with... The post 9 Best Email Testing Tools to Preview Your Newsletters appeared first on Onextrapixel

Collective #534

Gradient Magic * Locomotive Scroll * Stein * Gatsby Themes * ImportDoc * TabNine * Sidelist Collective #534 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Google All Set to Take on Amazon with Launch of New Shopping Portal

Over the past decade, Google has looked on as Amazon cornered the e-commerce market in its own inimitable way and considering the sheer size of the market, it was not going to stay away from the market for long. As a matter of fact, Amazon had even become a major threat for Google when...

Users of Binance DEX can now trade via Google Chrome Extension

Yesterday, Binance DEX made an announcement on Twitter about the latest change that entails that from now onwards the users can trade on Binance DEX via Google Chrome extension. It seems like some major work is being done on the customers’ trading comfort. The crypto exchange also congratulated...

Collective #533

Is postMessage slow? * Reduced Motion Auto-Play Video * Repo Lovers * Think in Math. Write in Code. Collective #533 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Evropská komise začala vyšetřovat Amazon. Z podobných důvodů jako Google

Zatímco europoslanci volili předsedu nové Evropské komise, ta stávající ještě přichystala nové antimonopolní vyšetřování Amazonu. Zdůvodnění připomíná podobnou kauzu s Googlem. Komisařka Margrethe Vestagerová tedy v tiskovém prohlášení sděluje, že se bude EK zajímat především o to,

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