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Forms, Auth and Serverless Functions on Gatsby and Netlify

Abstracting infrastructure is in our DNA. Roads, schools, water supply networks—you get the idea. Web development is no exception: serverless architectures are a beautiful expression of that phenomenon. Static sites, in particular, are turning into dynamic, rich experiences. Handling static...

​Customize payment solutions with our enhanced platform

(This is a sponsored post.) We’ve upped our game by using developers’ feedback to improve the Authorize.Net payment platform. Check out our new, streamlined API, better sample code and SDKs, and use them to provide your merchants with a secure, scalable payment solution. You’ll see that it’s...

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Transmit Droplets

Ethan Marcotte documented his workflow for storing GIFs in a web directory. Sometimes just SFTPing files into a folder is as fancy a workflow as you need, and in fact, modern workflows don't have anything on it! I've also used Transmit's fancy features for this kind of thing. I prefer saving...

What does the ‘h’ stand for in Vue’s render method?

If you’ve been working with Vue for a while, you may have come across this way of rendering your app — this is the default in the latest version of the CLI, in main.js: new Vue({ render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app') Or, if you’re using a render function, possibly to take advantage...

OpenRates Currency API (Sponsored)

Creating your own APIs can be a total nightmare: worrying about uptime, load balancing, data accuracy, caching, and all of the other risks would keep me up at night.  And if your API relates to money in any way?  If you get that wrong you could be costing yourself, your employer, or your client...

Managing State in React With Unstated

As your application becomes more complex, the management of state can become tedious. A component's state is meant to be self-contained, which makes sharing state across multiple components a headache. Redux is usually the go-to library to manage state in React, however, depending on how complex...

​Build a realtime polling web app with Next.js

(This is a sponsored post.) Learn to build a webapp that accepts user votes, using Next.js and Chart.js. Users can vote for their favorite pet, and the results are displayed in realtime on a graph in their browser using Pusher Channels. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The post...

How to Delete Untracked Files in a Mercurial Repository

Working around Firefox at Mozilla means that you need to get acquainted with mercurial, the version control system that rivals git and svn.  Like any tool, hg (mercurial) can be difficult until you’re well versed with it.  And if you hg import a URL that doesn’t match up with...

Developing a design environment

Jules Forrest discusses some of the work that her team at Credit Karma has been up to when it comes to design systems. Jules writes: most engineering organizations, you spend your whole first day setting up your development environment so you can actually ship code. It’s generally pretty...

Solving Life’s Problems with CSS

Or: When all you have is a CSS hammer, the world looks like a CSS nail. Whenever I hear a perfectly nice comment like, "Yeah, representing the tech field!" in response to my pure-CSS art, I get a sharp feeling of panic. Like many people who work on UIs for a living, I have difficulty applying...

Browser Extensions I Actually Use

I use around 10 at the moment and they all provide functionality to me I find extremely important. Sometimes that functionality is every day all day. Sometimes it's once in a blue moon but when you need it, you need it. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The post Browser Extensions...

Service Worker Cookbook

I stumbled upon this site the other day from Mozilla that’s a collection of recipes to get started with a Service Worker — from caching strategies and notifications to providing an offline fallback to your users, this little cookbook has it all. You can also check out our guide to making...

Learning Gutenberg: Building Our Custom Card Block

We’ve got some base knowledge, we’ve played with some React and now we’ve got our project tools set up. Let’s dive into building our custom block. Article Series: Series Introduction What is Gutenberg, Anyway? A Primer with create-guten-block Modern...

Learning Gutenberg: Setting up a Custom webpack Config

Gutenberg introduces the modern JavaScript stack into the WordPress ecosystem, which means some new tooling should be learned. Although tools like create-guten-block are incredibly useful, it’s also handy to know what’s going on under the hood. Article Series: Series Introduction ...

​High Performance Hosting with No Billing Surprises

(This is a sponsored post.) With DigitalOcean, you can spin up Droplet cloud servers with industry-leading price-performance and predictable costs. Our flexible configurations are sized for any application, and we save you up to 55% when compared to other cloud providers. Get started today. Receive...

Learning Gutenberg: React 101

Although Gutenberg is put together with React, the code we’re writing to make custom blocks isn’t. It certainly resembles a React component though, so I think it’s useful to have a little play to get familiar with this sort of approach. There’s been a lot of reading in this series so far, so let’s...

Learning Gutenberg: Modern JavaScript Syntax

One of the key changes that Gutenberg brings to the WordPress ecosystem is a heavy reliance on JavaScript. Helpfully, the WordPress team have really pushed their JavaScript framework into the present and future by leveraging the modern JavaScript stack, which is commonly referred to as ES6 in...

Just a Couple’a Fun Typography Links

Marcin Wichary made an incredible demo exploring "segmented type" as in, the kind you might see on a display like a microwave, but scaling up in complexity from there. "Datalegreya is a typeface which can interweave data curves with text." Airbnb commissions their own new font, Cereal (complete...

Learning Gutenberg: A Primer with create-guten-block

Welcome back! We’ve just taken a look at what Gutenberg is and how it operates from the admin side. Gutenberg is certainly going to have a massive impact on the WordPress world. If you are just arriving here and have no idea what we’re talking about, I recommend at least skimming Part 1 to make...

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