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Incapsula Web Application Firewall (Sponsored)

When I speak with people who have interviewed for front-end jobs at cryptocurrency exchanges, they always tell me how surprised they are that a majority of the interview questions are security-centric.  Basic front-end security practices are fair game for all front-end developer interviews...

Set a Default Push Remote with git

During my early days of git usage, my config allowed me to simply type git push instead of git push {origin} {branch_name} which I need to now.  Up until recently I needed to type out the long version…(I know)…which was incredibly annoying because I like using detailed branch names....

5 Crucial Concepts for Learning d3.js and How to Understand Them

You may have already heard about d3.js, the dazzling JavaScript library that lets you create beautiful charts and graphics with just a few lines of code. You might have seen some of the fantastic examples of D3 in action, or you may have heard that the New York Times uses it to create...

Exchange Rates and Currency Conversion with (Sponsored)

My most stressful tasks as a coder have always revolved around money.  Whether you’re coding a site for a client, your own business, or your employer, you want to be damn sure that any handling of currency is accurate, secure, and localized.  We always want our code to work but when...

Script & Style Show: Episode 4: Tooling

On this week’s episode:  David starts the show by revealing he has a headache and an hour of discussing JavaScript tooling will not make it better.  The show covers the history of JavaScript tooling (from nothing to JavaScript loaders, minifiers, webpack, and more), the pitfalls of popular...

React Video Player

Streaming entertainment is a massive interest of mine as both a consumer and web developer.  My love for streaming entertainment dates back to the early days of RealPlayer and the misery of a million codecs.  Fast forward to today and I’m working a lot with ReactJS, as well as the dozens...

Script & Style Show: Episode 3: Working Remotely

On this week’s episode: Todd and I talk about working remotely, transitioning to being a remotee, keeping on task, and avoiding (or embracing) the hermit lifestyle! Next Episode: Q&A! Todd and I would like to host a Q/A session where we answer your questions! Please tweet us your...

Force a React Component to Re-Render

The beauty of React components is that they automagically render and update based on a change in state or props; simply update the state from any place and suddenly your UI element updates — awesome!  There may be a case, however, where you simply want to brute force a fresh render of a React...

Phone Number Validation with numverify (Sponsored)

When we think about form validation, phone numbers aren’t the most pressing bit of information to validate, but if the phone number is absolutely critical to your business or application, you’ll want to do all you can to precisely ensure the number is correct.  And the truth is most... přechází do bety

Na právě probíhajícím Mobile World Congress 2018 oznámil Google Beta verzi Flutteru. Dobrá zpráva pro všechny, které znervózňoval dovětek „alpha“. Pokud Flutter ještě neznáte, otevřete si náš článek – mobilní aplikace, znovu a lépe

Nešvary logování

Co se týká softwarového vývoje, logování je jedna z nejvíce zanedbávaných oblastí. Samozřejmě, pokud nejde o něco naprosto amatérského, tak je logování v každé aplikaci. Stejně tak, aby člověk pohledal vývojáře, který si během programování nevypisuje na konzoli potřebné runtime informace

Zápisky z DartConf 2018

Hoďte na sebe plavky, jedeme do Los Angeles na dvoudenní maraton přednášek, který se konal v prostorách Google na Venice Beach na konci ledna 2018

Testovací trio Mocha, Chai a Sinon

Představíme vám testovací framework Mocha, knihovny Chai a Sinon. Ukážeme, k čemu slouží, a na co si dát pozor při jejich používání. Dále vysvětlíme, jak se pracuje s knihovnou Sinon, která slouží pro mockování/stubování a vytváření špiónů

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