
Nalezeno "google": 3924

Your first performance budget with Lighthouse

Ire Aderinokun writes about a new way to set a performance budget (and stick to it) with Lighthouse, Google’s suite of tools that help developers see how performant and accessible their websites are: Until recently, I also hadn't setup an official performance budget and enforced it. This isn’t...

[aktualita] Google spustí herní platformu Stadia již v listopadu

Google zveřejnil nové detaily ohledně své herní streamovací platformy Stadia. Službu plánuje spustit ještě v listopadu, datově ani cenou nepůjde zrovna o nenáročnou záležitost. Služba bude nejprve spuštěna v USA, Velké Británii a Kanadě a dalších 11 regionech, ostatní země (včetně České republiky)...

Collective #522

Extract critical CSS * Enabling Modern JavaScript on npm * Magical, Mystical JavaScript Transducers Collective #522 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Awesome Demos Roundup #5

Another monthly roundup of super-creative web experiments and demos for your viewing pleasure. Awesome Demos Roundup #5 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

7 Best MailChimp Alternatives for Your Email Campaigns

MailChimp has been the star of email marketing for quite a while and not without a reason. It allows you to create email campaigns completely unique to your brand.... The post 7 Best MailChimp Alternatives for Your Email Campaigns appeared first on Onextrapixel

Inspirational Websites Roundup #5

An inspirational collection of trendy websites from May 2019 including first-class designs. Inspirational Websites Roundup #5 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Collective #521

Self-Host Your Static Assets * Uibot * Why I'm still using jQuery in 2019 * Medium to own blog Collective #521 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Material Theming: Making Material Your Own!

The web is a beautiful, expressive medium that’s evolved over time as trends and technology have changed. Moments of delight and flair are what set companies apart from one another. At the same time, today’s top products rely on scalable, component-based design systems to efficiently develop...

Google zažil velký výpadek. Nefungoval vyhledávač, Gmail ani YouTube

Pokud se vám včera večer nechtělo načítat vyhledávání Googlu, data z Google Drive, pošta v Gmailu nebo videa na YouTube, pravděpodobně se vás dotkl výpadek, se kterým se Google potýkal. Výpadek sice nepostihl všechny uživatele, služby některým nefungovaly napříč celým světem. Nejvíce byl

Free Vector and PhotoShop Text Effects for a Quick Makeup

Typography is one of the most powerful tools in the designer’s arsenal. It’s not only an instrument to display text and convey a message, but it’s also a mean... The post Free Vector and PhotoShop Text Effects for a Quick Makeup appeared first on Onextrapixel

Collective #520

Zdog * xstyled * How !important are we? * Daily Ethical Design * The future is dark * Reducing motion with the picture element Collective #520 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Revolut spustil Apple Pay a vylepšil podporu Google Pay

Revolut nedávno slíbil přidání podpory pro placení telefonem přes Apple Pay. To mělo přijít v červnu, nakonec jsme se ale dočkali již nyní. Podporovány jsou karty Visa, karty Mastercard postupně zapíná. Společně s tím je možné přidat karty Visa i do konkurenčního Google Pay. Proces přidání nové

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