
Nalezeno "150": 380

Prototyp Starshipu opět „vyskočil“ do výšky 150 metrů

Šestý prototyp kosmické lodi Starship opět „vyskočil“ do výšky 150 metrů. Došlo k tomu včera na testovacím místě SpaceX v texaském Boca Chica. Stejně jako minule šlo o poměrně zajímavou podívanou. Konstrukce z nerezové oceli, připomínající vodárenskou věž, se zvedla z obrovského prachu kouře a

IRS Prioritizes Cryptocurrency, Now First Question on 1040 Tax Form

The new U.S. tax form is out and the cryptocurrency question is the first one on the main 1040 tax form used by about 150 million people to file their taxes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all tax filers to declare whether they have received, sold, exchanged, or acquired...

New Satoshi Stash Estimate Claims Creator Mined $10.5B Worth of Bitcoin

On Monday, the blockchain trackers and researchers from Whale Alert published a new research report about the infamous fortune allegedly owned by Satoshi Nakamoto. Researchers estimate that Bitcoin’s creator possibly mined coins up to block 54,316, capturing 1,125,150 BTC or $10.5 billion...

Bitcoin Prize For Winners Of South Africa Mountain Bike Race

About 150 mountain bikers will compete at this year’s edition of the Munga MTB race in South Africa. The race will commence in the first week of December. The top three finishers in each category will share the 1.5 bitcoin in prize money. The Bitstamp sponsored race was launched in 2015....

A little bit of plain Javascript can do a lot

Julia Evans: I decided to implement almost all of the UI by just adding & removing CSS classes, and using CSS transitions if I want to animate a transition. An awful lot of the JavaScript on sites (that aren’t otherwise entirely constructed from JavaScript) is click the thing...

Buy Stablecoins With Your Credit Card in Lumi Wallet

Lumi Wallet announced that from June 2020, Tether USDT, Binance USD, Paxos Standard Token, Celsius and Dai are available to purchase in Lumi Wallet with a credit card. The highest grossing stablecoins on the crypto market are fully integrated for exchange and purchase in-wallet. Transactions under...

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