The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax
The Media Queries Level 4 specification has introduced a new syntax for targeting a range of viewport widths using common mathematical comparison operators, like , and =, that make more sense syntactically while writing less code for responsive web design.
The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax...
Call of Duty’s Burger King Skin Is Getting Sold For Half The Cost Of The Game
Burger King’s proprietary Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II operator skin, a man with a beautiful mustache and Burger Town t-shirt, is selling on eBay for about half of the full game’s $69.99 asking price. Read more
Fantom Network Launches Automated Smart Contract Audit System Watchdog to Monitor for Bugs
On October 27, the Fantom Foundation announced a collaboration with the security and analysis platform Dedaub in order to bolster Fantom’s decentralized finance (defi) ecosystem. Dedaub’s monitoring system called Watchdog will monitor smart contracts on the Fantom blockchain for exploits and buggy...
Fancy Image Decorations: Outlines and Complex Animations
We’ve spent the last two articles in this three-part series playing with gradients to make really neat image decorations using nothing but the <img> element. In this third and final piece, we are going to explore more techniques using the …
Fancy Image Decorations: Outlines...
Holographic Trading Card Effect
Simon Goellner (@simeydotme)’s collection of Holographic Trading Cards have captured our attention.
Under the hood there is a suite of filter(), background-blend-mode(), mix-blend-mode(), and clip-path() combinations that have been painstakingly tweaked to reach the desired effect....
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius with JavaScript
The United States is one of the last bodies that refuses to implement the Celsius temperature standard. Why? Because we’re arrogant and feel like we don’t need to change. With that said, if you code for users outside the US, it’s important to provide localized weather data...
Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class
The CSS :has() pseudo class is rolling out in many browsers with Chrome and Safari already fully supporting it. It’s often referred to it as “the parent selector” — as in, we can select style a parent element from a …
Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class...
Ondřej Tomek vkládá dalších 50 milionů do českého no-code startupu Dataddo
Český startup Dataddo má po zhruba roce další investici. V novém kole vybral dva miliony dolarů, tedy padesát milionů korun, od fondu Impulse Ventures Ondřeje Tomka. Ten do projektu vložil peníze i v minulosti
Resident Evil Producer Says ‘Maybe’ To A Code: Veronica Remake
This is the season of the spooky video game remake—Alan Wake got remastered, Konami is working on Silent Hill 2, and Capcom is preparing a Resident Evil 4 remake, among many other things. But you won’t find Resident Evil Code: Veronica in the latter developer’s outstanding pile of projects,...
Manuel Matuzovic: max() Trickery
By way of a post by Manuel Matuzović which is by way of a demo by Temani Afif.
.wrapper {
margin-inline: max(0px, ((100% - 64rem) / 2));
You’d be doing yourself a favor to read Manuel’s breakdown of …
Manuel Matuzovic: max() Trickery originally published on CSS-Tricks, which...
New Satoshi Notations Discovered, Bitcoin’s Halving Progress, Mad Money’s Cramer Miffed After SEC Filing — Week in Review
In this edition of the News week in Review: never-before-seen notations discovered from Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, an update on progress toward the next Bitcoin halving event, Mad Money’s Jim Cramer challenging crypto investors to bet against him, and more. Sleuth Discovers...
How to Code a Three.js Postprocessing Transition
A video coding session where you’ll learn how to code a transition with Three.js and postprocessing
Bitcoiner claims to have found 'long lost Satoshi Bitcoin code' with personal notations
According to Jim Blasko, he was able to uncover raw data and files from Bitcoin v0.1 including notations from Satoshi Nakamoto using "a little browser hacking."
Sleuth Discovers Satoshi’s Long-Lost Bitcoin Version 0.1 Codebase, Raw Code Contains Bitcoin Inventor’s Never-Before-Seen Personal Notations
On October 7, 2022, a bitcoin supporter named Jim Blasko explained that he discovered the oldest upload of Bitcoin’s version 0.1 codebase. The original code was thought to have been lost for more than a decade and with a “little browser hacking” Blasko was able to find the lost...
Česko-švédský startup Forloop získal 21 milionů na vývoj no-code softwaru pro práci s daty
Do dalšího no-code startupu míří rizikový kapitál. Česko-švédský projekt Forloop vybral v rámci kola pre-seed 875 tisíc eur, což je zhruba 21 milionů korun. Kolo vedl český fond Depo Ventures společně s Fazole Ventures, Rockstart, StartGuide a APX
How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS
The wave is probably one of the most difficult shapes to make in CSS. We always try to approximate it with properties like border-radius and lots of magic numbers until we get something that feels kinda close. And that’s before …
How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS originally...
Github Partially Reinstates Tornado Cash Codebase, Open Source Code Set to Read-Only Mode
The internet hosting and software development subsidiary of Microsoft, Github, has partially unbanned the Tornado Cash repositories following the recent sanctions enforced by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Github’s decision follows the U.S....
Crypto-Mixing Service Tornado Cash Code Is Back on GitHub
The move by GitHub comes as Ethereum developers have called for platforms that host the mixer service to not ban Tornado Cash code
‘Ultra Sound Money’ — Post-Merge Stats Show Ethereum’s Issuance Rate Plunged After PoS Transition
Months before Ethereum transitioned from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), a simulation of The Merge had shown the network’s issuance rate would drop following the ruleset change. Statistics now show that the simulation’s predictions have come to fruition as...
How to Code a Scrollable Text Gallery in Three.js
A video coding session where you’ll learn how to recreate the text and image gallery seen on Design Embraced