
Nalezeno "COVID-19": 921

US Banks Face a Massive Commercial Real Estate Crisis Looming on the Horizon

Financial incumbents may face a harsh reality soon, as a commercial real estate crisis has threatened the profits from America’s largest banks. A number of reports show that banks with a large amount of commercial real estate in their portfolios may see a significant fallout in the next...

Stocks Rally On New COVID-19 Vaccine News, Bitcoin Yet To React

Today, the stock market was once again fuelled by new COVID-19 vaccine news while bitcoin (BTC) is yet to decide its direction. US-based Moderna Inc. said its vaccine was 94.5% effective in a preliminary analysis of a large late-stage clinical trial, compared with 90% in the case Pfizer...

Pfizer’s Pandemic Vaccine News Fails to Dampen Interest in Bitcoin

The recent announcement by Pfizer of a potential Covid-19 vaccine sparked an immediate rally of global stocks worst hit by the pandemic response. The rally helped major indices including the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Composite Index and Europe’s Stoxx to go up by approximately...

Další zjištěný příznak Covid-19: může vám více pískat v uších

Nový výzkum, provedený a publikovaný vědci z Anglia Ruskin University, odhalil, že onemocnění COVID-19 může zhoršit tinnitus – šelest či pískání v uších. Studie, do které bylo zapojeno 3 103 účastníků ze 48 zemí, zjistila, že u 40 % z těch, kteří vykazují příznaky COVID-19, dochází současně ke

The Biggest Macro Event Since March

According to the bright minds of FinTwit, the biggest event isn’t the U.S. presidential election but today’s Pfizer vaccine update

Bitcoin, Altcoins & Gold Drop while Stocks Rally on COVID-19 Vaccine News

Bitcoin (BTC) and other major coins extended their decline today, while stocks rally on the major vaccine news. Meanwhile, gold is down too. It has been revealed that the COVID-19 vaccine that is being developed by American pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer Inc. and German biotechnology company...

Gold Price Expected to Rally Despite Concerns About Lockdown 2.0

Gold industry players say the inevitable printing of new money by the U.S. will lead to an increase in the circulating supply of fiat currency. This increase, in turn, will further dilute the value of U.S. currency and thus diminish its perceived status as the world’s foremost reserve...

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