
Nalezeno "Crypto Scam": 383

Police Reveal More Details About ‘USD 60M’ Crypto ‘Scam’

Further details are emerging about an alleged Japanese crypto scam that may have sucked in between 15,000 and 20,000 mainly middle-aged investors. As reported, police in Aichi Prefecture are continuing to investigate a company named OZ Project after officers arrested four men, believed to be...

‘Flood’ of Crypto Scam Cases Hit Spanish Courts

Spanish media outlets are reporting that the country’s courts have been “inundated” with crypto scam-related cases. The most notorious of the bunch is an alleged pyramid scheme originating in Tenerife, centering around a firm named Arbistar 2.0. Police claim that the alleged scam has sucked in...

FBI Puts Warning Signs on Bitcoin ATMs in This US County Following a Scam

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is putting up warning signs on bitcoin ATMs in Cuyahoga County of the U.S. state of Ohio to warn residents not to fall for scams asking victims to send money to scammers via bitcoin ATMs. FBI Putting Warning Signs on Bitcoin ATMs The Cuyahoga County Scam...

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