
Nalezeno "bo path": 425

Let’s Create an Image Pop-Out Effect With SVG Clip Path

Few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this cool pop-out effect by Mikael Ainalem. It showcases the clip-path: path() in CSS, which just got proper support in most modern browsers. I wanted to dig into it myself to get … The post Let’s Create an Image Pop-Out Effect With SVG Clip Path appeared first...

AMD Won’t Restrict Crypto Miners From Using Its Graphic Cards

Major chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) keeps making headlines amid the battle between crypto miners and PC gamers. Now, the company seems to have made a step forward to become friendlier to those with crypto mining purposes. AMD Doesn’t Want to Follow Nvidia’s Path According to...

Shape Slideshow with Clip-path

An experimental slideshow using clip-path to create shape transitions between slides. The post Shape Slideshow with Clip-path appeared first on Codrops

The Differences in Web Hosting (Go with the Happy Path)

One of our readers checked out “Helping a Beginner Understand Getting a Website Live” and had some follow up questions specifically about hosting providers. Here’s what they asked: What’s the difference between hosting providers? For example, what is the difference...

Collective #646

Houdini Paint Dojo * The styled-components happy path * Building a sidenav component * Enabling Popups The post Collective #646 appeared first on Codrops

Path of Exile 2 letos nevyjde. Kvůli covidu

Pokračování oblíbené diablovky Path of Exile mělo být jedním z hlavních taháků letošního roku. Vývojáři ale už teď vědí, že i kvůli neustupující pandemii koronaviru stihnou hru dokončit nejdříve v příštím roce

The EURST Stablecoin Set the Path That Major Central Banks Now Want to Follow

From Asia to Europe, major central banks all around the world are expected to announce their own digital currencies soon. This is vindication that stablecoins like EURST are on the right path forward, and they can serve to show how national economies should reinvent themselves following the current...

clipPath vs. mask

These things are so similar, I find it hard to keep them straight. This is a nice little explanation from viewBox (what a cool name and URL, I hope they keep it up). The big thing is that clipPath (the element in SVG, as well as clip-path in CSS) is vector and when it is applied, whatever you...

How to Make an Area Chart With CSS

You might know a few ways to create charts with pure CSS. Some of them are covered here on CSS-Tricks, and many others can be found on CodePen, but I haven’t seen many examples of “area charts” (imagine a line chart with the bottom area filled in), particularly any in HTML and CSS alone. In this...

Chinese State Media: Ignore Bitcoin Hype, Stay on the Blockchain Path

China’s state-run press agency Xinhuanet has published a short piece urging citizens in the country to ignore the hype of surging bitcoin (BTC) prices – and instead keep faith in the state’s pro-blockchain policies. In the piece, which was carried by media outlets such a Sina, two Tianjin-based...

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