Bank of China Expands Digital Yuan Testing to SIM Cards and NFC Payments
The state-owned financial institution Bank of China has revealed a partnership with China Unicom and China Telecom in order to test SIM cards and near-field communication (NFC) payments tethered to the renminbi. The Bank of China explains that the pilot will be tested by selected users and areas...
Our Favorite Cosplay From Dokomi Germany
We’ve been to Melbourne, we’ve been to London, now our cosplay showcase is off to Germany for coverage of this year’s Dokomi, which went down June 30-July 2 in Dusseldorf.Read more
Baldur's Gate 3 Is A Massive RPG And That's A Big Deal Right Now
Baldur’s Gate 3 is less than a month away for PC players now that developer Larian Studios has pushed its release date up a few weeks. On August 3, players will head to the fantasy world of the Forgotten Realms (or Faerûn) where they’ll face their imminent demise at the hands of a mind-controlling...
Univerzita obrany v Brně rozjíždí privátní standalone síť 5G, dodává jí T-Mobile
Univerzita obrany v Brně je šestou tuzemskou vysokou školou, která začne využívat privátní síť 5G od operátora T-Mobile
Pražákův Kaprain se zbavil 5G frekvence 3,5 GHz, získal jí T-Mobile
Skupina Kaprain Karla Pražáka se podle očekávání zbavila bezdrátových frekvencí 3,5 GHz pro provozování 5G sítě. Blok 80 MHz, který Kaprain získal během aukce, od něj koupil T-Mobile. Výše transakce není veřejná
Případy oklamané vědy (3): Perpetuum mobile na kliku Charlese Redheffera
Sestrojit perpetuum mobile, hypotetický stroj, který by pro svůj chod nepotřeboval žádný vnější zdroj energie, je dávným snem mnoha konstruktérů. Charlesi Redhefferovi se podařilo veřejnost přesvědčit, že se mu to povedlo. Tedy až do chvíle, kdy se ukázalo, že jeho „revoluční vynález“...
PUBG Players Say They Fell Madly In Love Only To End Up In Jail
Two PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) players could face several years in prison for illegally crossing some South Asian borders to live together, according to a recent New York Times report.Read more
10 Things You Should Never Say To A Genshin Impact Player
The Genshin Impact community is no stranger to navigating choppy waters, whether it’s discussions about farming, characters and their voice actors, or even the genre of game itself. If you want to survive out there, you’ll want to avoid some sore subjects to avoid facing wrath or disappointment....
New Cyberpunk Anime Is A Cross Between Blade Runner And Kamen Rider
During Anime Expo 2023, Studio Bones released a brand-new trailer for its upcoming cyberpunk anime, Metallic Rouge. Its lush futuristic cityscape, in tandem with its inventive cybernetic character design for its leading protag, hopes to wow fans with an affinity for strong female leads with magical...
The Long-Awaited Pokémon Sleep App Just Got A New ‘Gameplay’ Trailer
The Pokémon Company revealed on July 6 a new trailer for Pokémon Sleep, the tracker app it first teased in 2019. The video, “How To Play Pokémon Sleep,” is likely the closest thing to a “gameplay” trailer we’re going to get, though it doesn’t include an official release date. Read more
Mobilní Just Cause byl po několika odkladech zrušen. Žádná škoda
Mobilní verze béčkové akční série Just Cause byla slíbena už v roce 2020, nakonec se ji ovšem nedočkáme. Vydavatelství Square Enix ji totiž po několika odkladech raději úplně zrušilo
Game changer: Nakamoto’s Web3 mobile app!
In a momentous development, Nakamoto Games announces the live launch of its highly anticipated Progressive Web App (PWA), signaling a significant step forward in the realization of its comprehensive Web3 mobile app. With a focus on revolutionizing the gaming experience, the PWA represents...
Video Games And TikTok Are To Blame For French Riots, Says Prez
French President Emmanuel Macron has a few theories as to why riots have spread across France in the wake of the fatal police shooting of a 17-year-old delivery driver: TikTok, Snapchat, and video games, mostly.Read more
A brief history of the internet
Gain insights into the key milestones and trends that have shaped the internet into the global phenomenon it is today
10 Best Well-Written Queer Anime Characters
Watching an anime that doesn’t have queer characters often leaves viewers imagining what could have been. Sadly, it’s rare for anime to feature gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, or queer characters without relying on harmful stereotypes that turn them into a joke instead of a character with authentic...
Nintendo’s Thinking About How Fans Will Move To Its New Console
Nintendo seems to be conceptualizing its long-awaited successor to the 2017-released Nintendo Switch, but it isn’t giving much details to what it might be, or when it might actually exist. The Legend of Zelda developer is, however, willing to say that whatever and whenever the new console releases...
HSBC Enables Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF Trading on Mobile Apps in Hong Kong
Banking giant HSBC has begun letting customers buy and sell bitcoin and ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange (HKEX) using its mobile apps. The stock exchange currently has three crypto futures ETFs listed. HSBC Customers Can Trade Crypto Futures ETFs...
T-Mobile a Vodafone začnou sdílet pevné sítě už v červenci. Dostupnost gigabitu se výrazně rozšíří
Loni oznámená spolupráce dvou telekomunikačních gigantů nese první ovoce. Zákazníci T-Mobilu budou moci od 10. července objednávat internetové tarify v místech, které pokrývá Vodafone skrz kabelovou síť (exUPC). Celkem jde o půl milionu adres, na nichž je dostupný gigabitový internet.
Tarif se u
Plus4U Net se brání ručitelskému závazku trestním oznámením na T-Mobile
Plus4U Net, jedna z firem konsorcia Unicorn podnikatele Vladimíra Kováře, podala trestní oznámení na mobilního operátora T-Mobile v souvislosti s insolvencí e-shopu Plus4U Net o tom informovala v tiskové zprávě. Policie by se podle ní měla zabývat tím, že operátor se údajně vědomě domáhá...
Mamut v úpadku: proč v insolvenci za miliardy figuruje J&T a T-Mobile a jak vystopovat ztracené zboží
Mamut využíval prostředníky k získání značkového hardwaru levněji. Na některé zboží mu ale faktura přišla vícekrát. Duplicity v sériových číslech odhalil interní audit